How do you write good poety?

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    First of all...

    1) It could be your vocabulary (words such as "gay").
    2) Consider buying a thesaurus. If you use it to replace words (you would commonly use) with synonyms you'd be amazed at the effect it will have on your poetry.
    3) There are many (many is a very big word) types of rhyme schemes in poetry. Consider renting a book from the nearest library giving you information on some of them. Tamper with them and see which one works best for you.
    4) Poetry should never.... NEVER be forced. That could be where your "gay" quality is coming from.
    5) Write down all of your thoughts on paper for a good twenty to thirty minutes. Do not stop writing the whole time! Just put down whatever comes to your head. After a day or so... read over your notes and see if you find any ideas you like, or have been repeated.
    6) Write for yourself. If your english teacher doesn't like your poetry that screw her. You write for you. If you enjoy it, then don't let anything stop you.

    Happy Writing

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Good poetry does not come from the brain or the heart. If you over think it, it ends up sounding "gay" because the rhymes are too forced, the words are too stagnant and you can tell the person is trying a bit too hard to sound intelligent, deep or meaningful, etc. If you only use your heart the poems have lesser meaning in the long run. They have much less of a statement that is worth other people reading, for we all know what emotions are, right? Good poetry comes from the brain, the heart, and the natural talent that some of us have. Technique makes good poetry, creativity, objective perception, an expanded vocabulary, a thesaurus close by, and an open mind.

    Good poetry is not born from mediocre minds or hearts, good poetry is born through technique and talent; for if you dont have talent, it is ALWAYS forced.

    -K. Kristina

  • Krystin
    19 years ago

    Exactly what everyone else is saying. I most agree with "poetry cannot be forced". It just cant...well good poetry comes from the heart...from expriences [good/bad], emotions, heartache...that sort of thing.
    And i don't understand how poetry can sound homosexual..or "gay" as you put it

    Please refrain from using those types of words hun ;)

    much love