19 years ago
my best friend got with this girl about a month or so ago and hit it off, so they're now going out. i really like the girlfriend, i think she's a brilliant person, but as of lately my friend has been ignoring me. is this because he and i almost had a thing (that he told her about) last year but didnt work? or is it because he just wants his space with her? or that he was just talking to me before cause he liked me? in any case it still hurts for him to treat me this way. any suggestions of what i should do? |
Bret Higgins
19 years ago
Don't fret, it's all her. |
*~*Soldier Lover*~*
19 years ago
Sure jealousy is natural, but not all females are that insecure. Yes, Bret is right, it's not you. |
19 years ago
that makes me feel a bit better i suppose. thanks |
*~*Soldier Lover*~*
19 years ago
glad you feel even a little better, anytime! |