My friends don't like my other friend...

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    i had the exact same problem last year. but i didnt follow the croud bcuz i liked the girl so i hung out with her and she was really fun! and eventuallly the other friends started hanging out with us too! so just be the girls friend, she probably needs it.

  • Timothy B
    19 years ago

    There is nothing more beuatifull than friendship. I am in kind of a situation ike you are. I have 3 friends, who used to be good friends, but for some reason, they kinda broke up. Now there are 2 at one side, and the otherone is all alone at the other side. And I get asked by them at times how come I talk to those on the other side. What I did, is simply not let there problem affect me. If I am friends with someone, it's because I choose to be so. Nobody can decide eho my friends are, noteven my own friends. So if you like the girl, don't worry about the rest, cause that's when you will find out who your friends really are.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Do what makes you happy.

    If your friends dont support what makes you happy then think to yourself if they were ever really friends in the first place hun...