
  • trubbled
    19 years ago

    just tell him the truth

  • SatinRisse
    19 years ago

    I am also 100% with the above posts.....

    Tell him everything going on, and even if he does tell you that he there for you, then ask him to wait for you. Tell him that you need some time to get things back on track, but that you hope that he'll wait for you. And in the mean time, be there as a friend, not a boyfriend. You know what I mean?

    You might even find out that maybe he had something to do with the way you're feeling....just a random idea though....

  • SatinRisse
    19 years ago

    Then don't let it go all the way. Hold on to him as a friend. That's not letting go. That's just moving things around a little. Lol.