My best friend of 10 years ditched me for her verbally abusive b

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Love makes people do crazy things. She can't see this situation from your perspective. All she can see is probably a guy she deeply loves (as crude as he is) and an old friend that is trying to get between her and her boyfriend.
    That would just probably be her perspective. Show some empathy; be understanding, if not you may come off as jealous. Just become friends with her, be a kind, good friend so when she figures out how much crap he was (and she'd feel so awful) you'd be her shoulder to lean on.

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    tbear... once again I really feel sorry for this girl. She doesn't REALISE what she's doing, and she NEEDS a friend. Just because she has done such a stupid thing... it doesn't mean you should desert her.
    Although, if she sends back your letter with abuse, then she deserves what's comming.
    But until then, I think you should try and see it from her point of view.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I read the first sentence

    She won't be with him for long - trust me

    Its a matter of time before she will want your shoulder back to cry on

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Yeah it might be sad hun but until you've been through a physically violent relationship yourself you really shouldn't go making judgement calls like that. I've been there and behind closed doors things are never as they seem - remember that.

    I understand you care for your girl but there comes a time in all our lives we have to grow up and start making decisions for ourselves. You can't be there to catch her every fall, you have to let her make her own mistakes and learn from them. Being her best friend is about being there when it all comes crashing down for her, thats what true friendship is all about. The good and the hard times.