19 years ago
You know two people who are you're entire world... but the other ones jealous because she thinks she's not as important to you as the other one? I'm so confused :( I love them both with all my heart... Theyre such great friends... |
Timothy Bledsoe
19 years ago
If they are truly your friends, they will not get jealous of each other. Tell the one that is getting jealous that she needs to be a better friend and trust that she is your friend. |
19 years ago
Hey hun...i know wut you mean...this soundz like the steph and megz thing...i think that they're just scared cuz they dont wanna lose an awesome friend like u...the only thing you can do is be there for both of them...which i know that is wut ur trying to do..and ur doin a great job..CUZ UR THE ST!! WOOT!! LOL...i had to put that...:) |
19 years ago
If one is getting jealous because you aren't talking as muchl, due to MSN problems...then drop her a line every once in awhile. Write her a note!! |
19 years ago
SatinRisse, Thanks for the advice, for starters.. Im trying to explain everything.. I cant call her or anything, its online friends... though I really wish I could call, then I would call all the time... But its just not possible, MSN and email are our only ways of communication :( |