Timothy Bledsoe
19 years ago
You're from the UK, right? Explain what you mean by "toss him off." Sorry, this Yank needs a little help. |
19 years ago
Rite, i no wot u mean by tossin him off. i juz ent quite sure wot ur askin...itz hard 2 explain how 2 toss a guy off without showin u... |
Lil Luce
19 years ago
okay im from uk and know wot u mean by that phrase lol! |
19 years ago
For all you guys who don't know the phrase 'toss off' it means the same as masturbate. I agree with ^. Some guys will actually put their hand over yours and guide how they want it to be done. If your guy doesn't, then keep a firm grip and just rub up and down. If you find some sort of method he likes then keep at it. Good luck hunni...i'm sure you'll be fine! Sarah-Lou x x x |
Timothy Bledsoe
19 years ago
Sorry if I came off as ignorant but I could think of at least five different meanings for the phrase "toss off." I'm from Idaho, so it might only have one specific meaning to you UK folks, but it doesn't have much of one for me. |
19 years ago
It's understandable not knowing what it would mean...I mean...if you haven't heard it before then you'd have no way of knowing right! Well...now your minds are at ease...and you have learned an 'ever so useful' piece of English lingo! *grins* Take care all x x x |
19 years ago
thanks people, that was actually pretty helpfull, he'll probably help me with it but with the last lad i had he told everyone i hurt him or sommat and it upset me, but this boyfriends different i suppos,e wish me luck and once again, thanks all!!! |