would you be able to give me some help please

  • Mel
    19 years ago

    jeeeeeeeeeeesus! Orange does rhyme with syringe!

  • B4BY BLU3 X
    19 years ago

    Mel- hahahahahahahahahahahaha
    That was really funny and random, sure did make me laugh!

    Anyway, I honestly dont have any idea why you are so worried. If it was your friends first time trying it then it really isnt that bad.
    As much as the government and all that say that weed is so bad and everything, I disagree.

    Sure, weed can be seriously harmful to your body and mind. But thats only if you take weed on a regualr basis. If, like me, your friend only smokes it once in a blue moon, then she/he would be fine.

    Personally I dont think weed is that much of a big deal really. Maybe its just me, but I honestly dont think you have much to be worried about.

    But still, if you are still worried about her/him, then talk to them about how worried you are and why you are worried.

    Hope this helps.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    I'd say...why are you guys shocked, and why does it matter?
    Hey, you might find it surprising, but the majority of students will try pot by the end of highschool.

    I would be mad at her for lying...but not shocked, I think that's making it a bigger deal than it is.

    Sure it's bad, but if it gets out of hand I'm sure she will get caught (btw, I doubt it ever will actually get out of hand, other than it's a gateway drug..that is if you're talking about pot...but most kids grow out of it) or someone will tell her parents. So advise her not to do it, but don't be so anal about it