Hey im back, ive added a poemer.

  • jarrod
    21 years ago

    Yo, its me im back from retirement and cracking away at it again. Ive added a poem or sort of. its definetly something you all should check out. lil incite about life from me. tell me what you think. its just random thoughts that ive had here and there but sort of put together. But i REALLY REALLY suggest that you check out one of my other three. i love them all dearly and fear that some dont feel the same way as me which is definetly to be expected but if so then i have no reason of posting here. if i dont help someone in some way or give them a lil incite on life then i am wasting my time here. if you vote for a poem of mine let me know and ill try to get to one of yours. ps. plz comment just dont say its horrible or some sheet. but l8r. thnx. --jarrod.

  • jarrod
    21 years ago

    oops ha ha i forgot the name, its pretty obvious but the name is Reason to this World?
    l8r againz.

  • jarrod
    21 years ago

    wow im really lame, im waiting to get my first message in excitment for what it may entail. lol. so i figged id message myself to enjoy the beauty in threads. l8r sk8r. well if you sk8. and im not discriminating. and and and, nah jk cetch ya later. --jarrod.

  • heather
    20 years ago

    lol k