i am straight but i am also confused please help....

  • Haleigh
    19 years ago

    it sounds normal but maybe you should just do somethin with a girl to get it out of the way..if u like it ur bi if u hate it ur str8

  • Wintersolstice
    19 years ago

    LOL!!! Samzie's like-"...just erm u know...with a girl...just to be sure..." lol *cracks up*. If you know you're straight then you're straight end of story...or poem. Me 100% straight but if I ever have dreams like that I will put it down to something I've eaten and never speak of it again...

  • Ashley
    19 years ago

    Dreams don't really say much if you truly believe the opposite. Unless you are in a state of denial or repression.

    But if its true you have other feelings about girls then don't worry a lot of people have this.


  • Ashley
    19 years ago

    Dreams don't really say much if you truly believe the opposite. Unless you are in a state of denial or repression.

    But if its true you have other feelings about girls then don't worry a lot of people have this.
