
  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Poetry doesn't always have to rhyme, none of what i write does.

    To concentrate on one theme in particular i find it useful to use imagery, and focus just on that imagery...I.e. describing somebody as a rose etc.

    The main thing is not to let yourself write anything else, but it's good to have themes which mix together aslong as it's not confused.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    If you progressed the poem, the person woke up after the dream.

    If you jumped from completly different thing to another (Unless there is a poetic device you are using) is strange, but then for all i know that could be really amazing.

    problem with poetry, just like art - it's subjective...i can't tell you something is a good idea or a bad idea, just tell you how i personally like poems.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Well, look through it - try to maybe take a section and then re-work it to become a individual poem?

  • Johnny Marlin 2
    19 years ago

    In my opinion, leave it the way it is. Unless, it makes no sense at all. All people write in differant ways, like a fingerprint, no two people are exactly alike. Write from the heart, let your hand do the talking, if it needs revised after, so be it. Don't change anything to fit a "poetry template". Originality is one of the keys to being a great writer.

    19 years ago

    Poems don't have to rhyme! As for jumping from topic to could make for an interesting poem! As long as it's a smooth transition within the poem! Or as Sean said you could just pick a piece of the poem and elaborate making it an individual poem! Good luck~Holly