Poem game!!!

  • Sarah Ann
    19 years ago

    This life is my prison
    Stuck in between time
    Every one is trapped
    By rapists and crimes
    Each cell is crammed
    With misery and hate
    This life is my prison
    Of an unknown fate
    The walls speak torture
    Of what has always been
    This life is my prison
    A proof of human sin
    Anger is the true feeling
    Mourning is the sound
    We sit around wondering
    As our lives are drowned
    This life is my prison
    With the bars of my hell
    Filled with secrets and dirt
    That from above has fell
    Swallowed in our destiny
    Of all our pitiful choices
    This life is one big prison
    And I can hear the voices
    No body can escape it
    We all are trapped within
    This life is my only prison
    And it boils on my skin

    topic: WAR

  • Mel
    19 years ago

    Super murgentroid
    tried hard to hide
    all that was inside:
    creation of another's

    Topic: Norman Wisdom

  • Mel
    19 years ago

    Ted Housego was
    the first person to
    win Mastermind in
    A taxi driver from
    London. A boring
    bastard if you happen
    to be enroute from
    Bishop's gate to
    Clappham with him.

    Topic: Fruit bats

  • shantay
    19 years ago

    life w/out love is life not lived
    life w/out love is life without him here
    life w/out love is something that i've had for way to long

    next topic: bugs

    19 years ago

    spiders and ants are so creepy..
    cock roaches make me shiver..
    if they in my room i cant sleep even if im sleepy..
    all i imagin is them crawling around in my liver...



  • shantay
    19 years ago

    its adoreable
    its so cute
    puppy love needs to take a boot
    it can be annoying
    it can be lame
    it seems like everyone wants to be in the puppy love hall of fame!
    -uckkkkkkk i hate it lol

    next topic: bored

    19 years ago

    i like money most people do...
    i like money but not as much as you..
    you let money run you life...
    as some do with a knife.

    i like money its good fun..
    you lose money and go on the run..
    il never be a gambler like you are...
    but i will make my money go far!!!

    weird i know:D

    topic:cheers big ears

  • Kristen
    19 years ago

    I have this problem
    A problem with fears
    And the biggest one
    Is one with big ears

    I don't mind spiders
    Or the dark of the night
    But when i see those big ears
    I am filled with fright

    o.O that was harder then i thought...lol....sorry first little game thing for me...

    topic: depression