Do You Ever Feel Like..................

  • Lovemylove
    19 years ago

    Girl I feel like that alot, I have thought, and sometimes still do think that if I died everything would just be dandy but I have found that there some people out there that love me would hurt real bad if I died.But of course there's out that loves you, and it'd would still make problems if you were gone, I also get blamed for everything hell wanna know something I also get blamed for being borned, if you need to talk hun email me i'll listen the email addy is I want you to know I'm here for u, and if your willing to take time to talk to me, I'm willing to take time, and listen.

  • M
    19 years ago

    Sometimes I do wonder if I killed myself, would people miss me? I wonder
    -Just so you know I'm not crazy and im not going to do this lol-
    It would be wierd i brought a gun to school and shot myself in one of my classes and everyone started screaming and news would spread like OMG HE KILLED HIMSELF! Would people miss me? Would they care? Would i hurt people? I have to wonder sometimes...

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    dont worry M, everyone thinks about it sometimes!.. its natural