Analyze this quote, part 5

    19 years ago

    A homely girl stereotypically does good deeds and helps others. A hot girl stereotypically spends all her time making herself beautiful. In that aspect the first two lines are saying the fairest or homely girl's scent or good deeds are remembered even after she's gone. Where as the rose (hot girl) who only helped herself would be remembered as shallow in comparison. So he who loved the Rose has learned that what he loved was not as special. Making rememberance bittersweet.
    This one really made me think! Thanx JPM~Holly

  • Mel
    19 years ago

    Mmmm, this makes me think of Gertrude Stein's (modernist poet - check her out) famous quotation: A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    I think the first part of the quote is saying that beauty fades quickly but it's what's on the inside that matters and lasts, (such as kindness and intelligence).
    I think the last two lines are referring to the old saying that "All that glitters is not gold". For example, a woman who is gorgeous in appearance but who is superficial and shallow. Initially everyone is attracted to her but once one gets to know her "the scent is bitter to him who loved the rose" as the quote says.

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    to me hes comparing the rose to the girl. and hes saying how the girl is more perfect than a rose