why are parents so fucked up in the head????

  • Timothy B
    19 years ago

    They can't help it. In most cases, that is just basic programming for parents. So don't stress yourself out too much about it, cause all it will give you, is a headache. What you can try to do, is to tray talking a bit with them, you know, just cassual conversation, and during the talking, you slowly divert from the subject and go over to something you wanna talk about. If you feel things are getting too intence, either break the conversation, chance the topic, or give your opinion as strong as possible, so to be shure they understnd you.

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Everyone feels like they hate their parents at some point of their life. The thing is, you need to realize that they were children and teenagers at one point of their life too, so they do understand you. But, because parents are humans, they make mistakes. You need to grow up and realize that though parents do not ALWAYS understand you, they make mistakes sometimes and you need to forgive for that and move on. They care for you; it's just that they may not realize that talking shit about your friends is hurting you.

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    One day when you grow up, you will realize how wonderful your parents are and how much they mean to you. And you will laugh at yourself for all the times you "hated them". You will realize that all the stuff they did to you (such as grounding you because you got two C's and saying mean things about your friends) was all done because they love you and care about you. Believe me. If they didn't care then they wouldn't bother getting on your nerves:)

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Isn't it ironic your kids will say the same about you one day?

  • Shy
    19 years ago

    Yup Brit you right
    I get grounded all the time for C's but i don't regret having them as parents cause i know they sre attempting to help me out..

  • Wintersolstice
    19 years ago

    Parents just suck sometimes. Some more than others.