Weirdest Deaths......

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    So what are some of the weirdest ways to die?

    1) Alex Mijtus, 36 years old, was killed by his wife, armed with a 20 inch long vibrator. Mrs. Mijtus had had enough of her husband's strange sex practices and one pushing all 20 inches of the vibrator into Alex's anus until it ruptured several internal organs and caused severe bleeding.

    2) Debby Mills-Newbroughton, 99 years old, was killed as she crossed the road. She was to turn 100 the next day but, crossing the road with her daughter to go to her own birthday party, her wheel chair was hit by the truck delivering her birthday cake.

    3) Jean-Louis Toubon, 44, choked to death when pieces of his girlfriend's edible knickers got stuck in his throat in Marseilles , France . Sun, 22 May 2003.

    Anybody know any more?

    19 years ago

    wow that is weird

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    Ok what is the point in making a 20 inch vibrator??? Can anyone really use all 20 inches??? eeeewwwwwww.

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Something really weird is that this necrophile killed a woman, chopped her up into pieces, ate some of her body parts and flushed the rest down through the toilet.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I belive this is the "fun and humor" forum..


    This sure as hell ain't fun

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Yeah it isn't fun...I guess it's supposed to be.

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Some might think that "weird" and "funny" mean the same thing. :-)

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    I can appreicate where you two are coming from. Everybody has a different sense of humour though, and to some people this may be interesting/fun/humourous. To me it felt OK to post this topic in the Fun and Humour Forum.

    To be honest if you are that offended by it, then why even click to come into this topic?and why waste your time typing an answer? Just curious, because if I felt a topic was that offensive I probably wouldn't want to look at it.

    I am not trying to be rude by saying this, I am just curious. Besides you may now have ruined the topic for those people who found it interesting. The exact reason why I posted this topic, because I found it interesting.


  • Frankie
    19 years ago

    Yeah, I'm with you Nici, I was surfing thru the topics last night and found that 9/10 topics where getting smashed at one point or another, what happened to that if you don't have something nice to say, shut up. lol Just remember ppl, if ya don't like the topic get the hell outta the thread!

  • Frankie
    19 years ago

    Thank you Thank you..I'm here all week! lol...buh dum chi!

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Haha, I'm definitly not offended! In my opinion this isn't exactly what I'd call fun but it's just weird. I think it belongs in this category. lol

  • Gail Craven
    18 years ago

    17th- century composer Jean-Philippe Rameau was conducting his orchestra by banging a wooden baton on the floor to keep time. He accidentally stabbed himself in the foot with his baton, and later died of an overwhelming infection.

  • Tammie
    18 years ago

    Haha they are really funny. I mean its obviously unfortunate for these people that have died but hahaha.. i showed them to a couple of my friends and they laughed alot haha. Thanks for entertaining me! lol

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    3 people a year die from licking those square 9V battery things. Myself being one of them :] Though I havn't died.

  • Lady C
    18 years ago

    Sherwood Anderson, writer, swallowed a toothpick at a party and then died of peritonitis.
    hehe, sucker!

  • Kirsty palmer
    18 years ago

    lol how could someone swallow a toothpick.. what was she doing?? lol

  • Alex Marlatt
    18 years ago

    Haha, the birthday one was just full of coincidences.

  • melly xx
    17 years ago

    the stupidest death award was presented to a man who died while trying to help a constipated elephant poop. the elephant was constipated for a week and when the guy stuck his hand up there, the elephant began to crap and the guy suffocated from the poop, it landed on him.
    aww =(

  • *shae-natasha*
    17 years ago

    a guy used a female toilet and pressed a button...unfrotunetly, it was an automatic tampon remover. hes balls got ripped off...ouch!

  • *shae-natasha*
    17 years ago

    its not nice to talk about all these dad has to clean up dead ppl and he gets depression heaps from it, especially cause depression is hereditry in my family...umm, i just think ppl need to have concideration to ppl like my dad...its horrible to clean up dead ppl, especially your family and friends.

  • kori
    17 years ago

    that was great haha

  • ashley
    17 years ago

    lol this is great screw off to the people bashing this thread if you aint got somethin weird or freaky and u just wanna bash go to hell cuz these are funny i just hope noone uses the vibrator thing on me if they want me to die that sounds painful lol hey some people like that but it sounds like he died happy....if he was a bysexual

  • ashley
    17 years ago

    wow alot of freaky stories i love to read stuff like this!!!!im dying to read more stories!!!

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    Wow, some of them are soo funny! I mean, yeah it would suck, but omg! PML.

  • Tropical_sea-monster
    17 years ago

    Attila the Hun suffered a severe nosebleed and choked to death on his wedding night. Jack Daniel, founder of the famous Tennessee whiskey distillery, died of blood poisoning. Kenneth Pinyan died of acute peritonitis after having anal intercourse with a stallion.

  • *shae-natasha*
    17 years ago

    eeew...that would be disgusting for the person who had to clean up his dead body

  • Babyesha Naveed
    17 years ago

    i find these so first im wondering if these were really yeah i guess!!.....pls keep more of these..we'd like to read more :P :)
    btw..what is PML?