This is a secret hobby.

  • Holly
    19 years ago

    Okay, i love writing. any kind of writing. wether it is stories or poems. But, my friends don't know how much I love writing. I don't want to tell them because then they will read my stuff and make fun of me. What should I do?

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    ooh I have the same problems...

    Many of my friends, I fear, would think it strange of me to write poems..

    it sucks

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    I think people who TRULY love writing don't care what anyone thinks. You should share. I LOVE to share my writing. And as Sunny said if they DID make fun of you then you should be questioning their friendships...

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    LMFAO @ Chris

  • Ann Stareyes
    19 years ago

    Holly, I agree with Sunny and Natalie. If you truly love to write you should do it. When I came across this site I let many wks. go by before I decided to post, knowing that writing was truly something I love to do, so finally I decided to go for it. I will never claim to be as good as some on this site, but that will never keep me from writing and doing what I love. If your friends... are true friends they won't make fun of your writings. You be proud of each one you do. hugs, love, Ann