Why do people in here care so much about spelling?

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    19 years ago

    i think those people are conceited... they want everything to be perfect.. but face the fact, NO ONE IS PERFECT!! "only practice makes perfect" but then i can see their point-of-view.. if they wrote a wrong word (mispelled) others may imitate their wrongness.

    for example:

    the correct sentence: "my hair is black".
    the incorrect sentence: "my hare is black" well, its a correct sentence but the word "hare" is a wrong word choice.. and if people didn't know the word "hair" and when they read the 2nd sentence, they might think "hare is hair".. =) got it?? it's really hard to explain since i'm limited in english.. *sigh* i tried my best though.. remember: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! *WINK*

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Why do you care so much that others care about spelling. The way you write and present your work reflects you. If you don't show pride in yourself and your work who else will? There are people on here who are limited English speaking and believe me we can tell the difference from that and a complete moron. Short hand writing and careless slang in my opinion is pure laziness and that says enough about YOU.

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    Do you mean spelling words in english rather than text language or do you mean spelling everything perfectly. Because think that here people should definatey spell properly, but that everyone makes mistakes.....I don't know if this even makes sense....

    19 years ago

    Just take it all as a learning experience! I'd rather have someone tell me I misspelled something, rather than go the rest of my life spelling it wrong! I honestly don't think it's conceit driving the people who correct spelling and grammar. I mean God forbid someone try to help you better yourself!
    Not to mention the ignorance of getting all bent out of shape just because someone tells you the correct spelling or punctuation of your sentence! Which I see more times than I could count in these forums. But this is just my opinion...Holly

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    I totally agee with Holly.

    Enough about the spelling already, Marielys. Just spell the words correctly. Or don't. End of story. How many times do you have to post this topic? If it doesn't matter to you than just keep on spelling poorly and ignore the people who criticize you.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I'm one of the people who correct the spelling. I t just feel that spelling is very important and since poetry is such a word-related subject, i feel that one is respecting poetry by spelling correctly. Also, when people help you with your spelling, it prevents you from makng mistakes in school where it really matters.

    P.s. Longing to belong, if you think things should be spelled properly, why did you mispell "definitely"?

  • M
    19 years ago

    One thing is missspelling a word, another thing is typing like this:

    hAi Gyz watz^ im zo Fukin bord wood nyone lyke to chatt or sumtin?

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    19 years ago

    i only write poems at this site for fun.. you don't have to waste ur valuable time trying to point out my spelling errors & or any other errors such as grammar, punctuations, blah blah.. =)

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    stop complaining about the complaining about the complaining etc

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~ You don't have to waste your "valuable" time writing poetry. No one will respect you nor your work if you don't take pride in it as it definitely shows. I'll skip right over your poems if they are typed like you type in the forums.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Marielys: You are exactly right but I never said she couldn't. She is free to do what ever she wants. But so many people are just going to over look her writing. If it's not important enough to her to take her time and show pride in it how will it be important enough for others to take the time to read it? I sure the hell won't and I know of many others who won't. Your writing reflects you. So if you write like a foolish little girl that what people will see you as. Many people aren't good spellers but you can see a difference.

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    Exactly Chris!

    I mean Marielys, do you think if you just post this topic enough times, eventually everyone will see things your way and overlook your spelling mistakes?

  • elizabeth
    19 years ago

    Because they try to make sure that if you correct your word. I think i don't want anybody help my spelling mistake.

  • ღ.:Krissy:.ღ
    19 years ago

    Spelling can be a lot in a poem. Yes, there are usual mistakes. People aren't going to point out the slightest mistake made on accident. But if you purposely write like this: lyke, 2, 4... people won't be as interested. Spelling check may not always work, but sometimes you can see the mistakes you make yourself.


  • Sean
    19 years ago

    This is a site dedicated to writing, work it out for yourself as to why we care for spelling.

    (Though i'm aware i mix up my to/too's often, would somebody care to give me a definition of when to use either?)

  • EoB
    19 years ago


    Some people in here care so much about spelling because they consider themselves to be SERIOUS writers.

    But let's finish this now.

    Write in what way suits you best, but do not expect people to take you seriously or show you any kind of respect as long as you purposely write incorrect English. As for me, I do not read and comment on poems written in such a way. Too bad for those who write them. They sure as hell won't get any feedback from me.

    As for you Marielys, some people in here think you are just plain dumb :P Accept it.
    And not only you. Some people find correct spelling to be all that important and looks down upon those who are not able to write correct. And there is no point in arguing with them, as that only will provide them with more "proof" that you are stupid.


  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Thank you, Chris you've just managed to do what 5 years of learning GCSE english could not.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    The point is, any writer who chooses to write in english should ALWAYS try there best to write with good grammar, and good spelling.

    There's no excuse, and it's simply lazy not too focus on what you are writing.

    Some people i can excuse for it, but alot of the time it's born out of pure lazyness.

    It takes no time at all to write in proper english, so why not bother?

    (I aim this at native english speakers, i can excuse people of a foreign background)

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    It's not bad spelling that is such a problem, it's laziness. My boyfriend is a horrible speller and it shows when he writes. But it is not laziness in his case, he is just a bad speller. But the difference is he checks. He'll call me or look it up because he cares and wants to know. Here it is laziness since "u" is so much quicker to type than "you." If you don't take your writing seriously enough to take your time why should anyone take it seriously enough to read. I won't. People above me won't and you damn sure can't turn in it for publishing like that. People can tell the difference between a lazy writer and just a bad speller.

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago

    Well said Natalie.

  • Dorotea©
    19 years ago



  • None
    19 years ago

    ""Why do people in here care so much about spelling?""

    how can you call yourself a real poet if you do not even respect words,literature,or grammar?

    here is a poem you should read.

    (by JustPlainMe)

    Every time I view this site,
    It always brings a certain light.
    The so called "poets" cannot spell,
    I don't suppose they read too well.
    Or else they'd care to fix their scrawlings,
    Poets use words to make a drawing.
    Like an artist uses paint to make a picture,
    This is not my first time presenting this lecture.
    A poet USES words and that is all.

    Poets must know words.

    They must be involved with words.

    They must sift through words.

    They must be passionate about words.

    If words were drugs a poet would be the pusher, dealer, user and fiend.

    Misspelling as a poet is as unacceptable as a physics engineer miscalculating the rocket ship jet propulsion causing it to crash and kill the entire crew...

    so,if you were serious about writing,then you would not take spelling lightly...every writer should have a dictionary..AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM...

  • None
    19 years ago

    it IS a big deal....put it this way...

    you are 'pouring' your feelings into a peice...okay,we all got that down... what about when you are done? are you too lazy to either edit your peice,or re-read it for errors? if so, then what you are saying is that your feelings,which you took so long to pour into a poem, is worthless...worthless enough, to not care if there are any errors.

    sometimes is does not really matter, but if you are claiming that something is really important to you, then make it look as important as you say it is...otherwise, you are just saying 'this is important to me, but I do not have enough skill, to use proper spelling.'

    now....a lot of poems I have read on this site have minor spelling errors... like 'their' instead of 'there'....which is understanable, seeing as how many of the poets are younger on this site. but when you are writing and make somehting to this extent...

    "i was goin to da store, wen somewun sayd,'wut are u doin???'"

    that has no excuse....you can not call yourself a poet, if you do not even respect the words. just as you can not call yourself a cop,if you do not obey the law.

    so,it IS a big..HUGE deal...either spell correctly,or do not write.if ths were an English class in school,many of you would fail.

  • None
    19 years ago

    ha...Ismail,nice job of pissing me off for s second... then I realized you did it on purpose...

    but we are not talking about in post's....we are talking about in actual poems.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    *Haven't read past posts.

    I care a lot about spelling...i think it helps the reader understand what i am trying to write. Have you ever heard of homophones? They confuse the shit out of most people if you use them the wrong way.

    And i also don't believe that people who desire for perfect work are "conceited". Possibly perfectionists, but why do you call them conceited? That was a little off to say that, i think...


  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Let's just finish this.

    I, and many other writers, will not respect those who are unable to write proper English.

    You can argue as much as you want, but you will only appear more retarded for every single word you misspell.

    Shut up

    Call it a night..

    Let's agree to disagree

  • lisa marie
    19 years ago

    i tihnk sepleling is importint.

  • Lydie
    19 years ago

    HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!!! In my opinion people don't care enough! God it shits me up the f*cking wall and back again!

    It's an insult... It's so annoying I get half way through a poem and the reason I stop reading it is becuase it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incorrect.... God it bugs me!


  • Shawna
    19 years ago

    spelling stinx forever (in school 2)

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago


    I think spelling is most definitely important.

    I do believe that people are allowed to make mistakes and that is human and fine.

    However, anyone who makes a mistake should appreciate another person who is taking time out of their life to correct that error by pointing it out to the person who made it.

    It's called "BAD spelling" for a reason. If you don't think you can get it right the first time, then certainly don't be upset when someone finds it for you.

    To the people doing the finding:

    I personally find it a bit frustrating when I find numerous heinous grammatical errors within a poem, but I try my best to be kind concerning suggested corrections. As you can see, people can often get hostile (or at least uncomfortable) when you correct errors, even harmless ones like spelling mistakes.

  • Jordan
    18 years ago

    In my opinion, poetry is all about the correct use of language in order to create something beautiful...a masterpiece, if you will. But how can one regard another's work as beautiful if it is loaded with grammatical errors? I don't believe that poetry can be nice if spelling is incorrect. It just makes for sloppy presentation.

    Oh, and I completely agree with Holly Armer on this one.

  • Irish Sweetheart
    18 years ago

    Ya I know what you mean. Spell check works for me lol.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    "only practice makes perfect"

    If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect, isn't that a contradicting statement.

    The real statement is,

    "Practice makes improvement" because there is always room for improving. No one will ever be perfect at anything. There will always be someone better, and will always be someone trying to better themselves.

  • Ashleigh Skye
    18 years ago

    personally I'm not obsessed with spelling but I dont find it slightly annoying when people spell every second word wrong and that is only because it makes it hard to get into the poem if you have to keep stopping to try and figure out what a word means.

  • Drew Gold
    18 years ago

    agree 100%..^

  • *Cosmic*Whispers*
    18 years ago

    I think that it's important to atlest attempt spelling correctly when you're publishing a poem on here, it just gives the right impression to me anyway. And I'd rather be told if I'd misspelled something than it just sitting there!

    The only problem with the spell check on this site is that sometimes the american spellings of words are different to english so it can get confusing!!


  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    People commenting on spelling errors shouldn't bother people. They're proofreading your work, which is something you should have done on your own. Recieving a comment that is nothing but corrections is better than recieving a comment that is nothing but a "OMG great 5/5~~~~!!!". Besides, whenever I correct someone's poem, I also critique it.

  • Tammie
    18 years ago

    I agree to everyone on here that says that if you are going to put effort into writing a poem, you may as well put the little bit more effort in to the spelling. Some people are just bad spellers, fair enough, a dictionary can help with that. Small or accidental mistakes are okay, it's when they are constant and big, that's when it gets annoying. But i can't be too critical, because i myself would have mistakes in my own poems, although i proof read them.

  • Catherine
    18 years ago

    I prefer a good speller. I don't make a fit, but when I comment I do poitn it out and suggest the spell check button.

  • amandaa
    18 years ago

    Because spelling is grammer which is our english language, and it's alot more enjoyable to read work that has corect spelling.

    Why are people so lazy that they don't spell words right when they know them? How much extra time does it take to spell "you're" instead of "your" in the correct sentance?