I gotta another question, I can't wait for tomorrow

    19 years ago

    No Girly its not fake and it does happen.. but you can't go out looking for it and hopeing that every relasionship will be like the movies... Life has much more ups and downs then movies... you have alot of time and I am sure you will find the Love of your life one day....

  • ..::.alreadyGoNe..::.
    19 years ago

    that is fairy tale love. i script written by some love sick dude in his 50's. it can be real but it's hard to find. there will always be sum fights and hard times. it's not wrong to want it it's just hard to get it

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Movie love...

    Most love oriented movies with any real substance often end in tears.

    There is a reason for that.


    Also, you won't see a couple argue over a toilet seat, a wife/girlfriend getting blind drunk and throwing up on the carpet or a husband/boyfriend getting hit with a pan because he went to a nudey bar or just happened to look at another woman without the guise of disdain. (Admittedly it's usually the man doing something simple that gets blown out of proportion, like using the floor as another shelf layer.*guilty as charged*)

    'Why not?' I hear you ask. Because these things don't get bums on seats in the cinema, everyday people have enough that at home.