where is our childrens faith?

  • felicia
    19 years ago

    i have this posted on my icebox. it says that it is a shame that they try and take god out of school and everything i can't believe its came this far i say we all join a riot and protest the idea and get god back in all schools. we have kids cutting their wrist and trying to kill them selves and others. now don't you think that if god was in their lives they would want to help others and not kill them. i know what all is going on i am 15 and have tryed to kill my self 3 times. i found a really good friend and she got me into church i haven't tried for 5 years.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    By my cousins religion, she is now in hell.

    I'd like to believe, but religion has no place in my heart or mind as much as i'd like to believe.

    Edit - To think you need to place faith in something you can't physically see and to me can't prove, is insane in my mind...and it shows just how much of society is fucked up.

    Should we not be happy and content in belief of human compassion? Why the hell do we need a supreme being to be the reason for us to be good people? for us to not be suicidial?

    I just don't see it myself, and will always remain atheistic, despite alot of my familys wishes.

    No disrespect is meant, i've not argued my point very clearly either so feel free to attack.

  • felicia
    19 years ago

    so you mean to tell me that you believe in hell but not heaven? explain that. and there is proof, you think that every time someone survives cancer, or a car wreck their just lucky well think again. i don't under stand why people say oh my god but don't believe in him.
    as you said no disrespect is meant, but urh people make me so mad

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    I don't believe in either, in accordance to my cousins religion she is in hell, not my atheisitic way of looking at things.

    They are just lucky people who managed to avoid death, I can name you countless of thousands of people who were 'unlucky'

    and if you dare to think god took them for a purpose, then your sheppard is just that, a person who looks after his flock for the slaughter soon after.

    Now that is geting into the disrespectful, but you did entice me.

    (Before people get me wrong, i'd like to be religious i really really would....it'd make me feel alot easier about alot of things, so no i don't hate religion or you for believing in it, i just think it's a arcaic (spelling) way of looking at the world)

    Edit - Oh, and i actually laughed to making you feel 'mad' over my reply, because i could not see why you would be when all i did was share a opinion in a non-insultive manner.

  • no one
    19 years ago

    i honestly think every one has good points. i know i have cut and i did know christ sometimes it feels like the easyest way to deal with things. if religion was back in our schools what would happen? there are so many religions and its not fair to cut any of them out. you believe what you and no one can say a thing...

    love always

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    To put religion out of school is a good thing.

    ¨People should no be taught things out of belief..

    Yes, I am drunk now..

    Even my Norwegian sucks right now..

  • Lydie
    19 years ago

    Woah - I'm not religious at all so I completely disagree with this... I don't think we should have to do R.E - religious education - in schools, I was forced to do it up till year 5 and I loathed it, completely despised it...

    Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for others, for all those people out there who want to kill themselves for being eg.) raped, turning to god isn't going to help them much is it?


  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Religion in school is the most stupid thing I've ever heard...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Feshia??? do you count car crash survivors as proof for God?


    You made my day...

    andt that is why religion shouldn't be in school..

    They will teach retarded things like that to children...


  • Lydie
    19 years ago

    Totally agree with you!

    It shouldn't be forced to kids.
    We have the right to do as we please.
    If we want to learn about god than we should go to church but otherwise it shouldn't be forced.


  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    in the gutter........*sigh* it's sad......

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    So...you think that saying that a person is worthless makes you satanic? Well, then you are wrong...

    You do generalize the willpower of people with low self-esteem...They will not necessarily cut themselves..that is indeed quite ridiculous to say...

    Sure, go to the church, read your precious bible and be happy, but do not force your obvious stupidity upon others...

    And I'm not refering to the entire christian community, but to people like Feshia and this Dark Princess...

    And besides, from a neutral point of view, Satanism and Christianity are just as bad and just as good...

    Christianity is, in a historical point of view, the cause of much more pain and death than satanism, if one considers the number of people killed because they didn't believe in Christianity.

    As I see it, and do not get offended by my opinion, religion is much more dangerous than a retarded musician telling people they are worthless...

    But hey, religion does indeed have its good sides too...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    And why the hell is this topic placed in the "poetry discussion" forum?

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Religion, do not rely on it so eagerly.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    i think bob shank has a point.

    i also do not think that religion should not be forced upon a child.

    i don't think anybody HAS to go to church. it's the person's choice whether they choose to go or not.

    values should be taught to repect everyone's religious views. EVERYWHERE.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    now that's a smart person....

    Well, I agree that she does sound satanic...

    but nothing in the world will make me a christian...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    there you go

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Which is exactly why i dislike organised religion, because it seems to ignore personal belief in god and only accepts it as a coumunity of believers enforcing that belief upon others.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I agree...

    I don't think god, if he does exist, likes the way people worship him