Poetry Slams

  • Olivia
    19 years ago

    does anyone know anything about poetry slams. i have read about them and found a book about them. i was just wonderin if anyone has participated in one or put one on. what are they like?


    19 years ago

    May I ask what they are?
    Sounds interesting :)

  • Olivia
    19 years ago

    thanks guys u are awesome for all ur opinions. my goal is to put one on here in my cheap small town. i think is would be fun becuase everyone likes poetry but the readin it aloud would be the hard part

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    One thing you should keep in mind. everytime before entering a poetry slam you hear people repeat over and over agian that "The Best Poet Always Loses" i've even read that quote in books about slams and everything. but i love poetry slams! we had a class one in 8th grade (when i had only three poems, which is actuallly why i kept writing because of the slam) and i can in second place, it was loads of fun. then i entered one at the libary at the begining of this year with one of my earlier poems didn't win anything but i was kind of close but it gave me a view of other poets around my town and i also say other poets from my school. it's a way to get your poetry out there and see what others think of it. i had a blast doing the slam offs here, thats where i got my nickname of lil slam too. it's fun you should going and try one or at least see one if you don't want to take the step of reading in front of a crowd.

    ~PLP~ lil slam~

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Edinburgh has a massive poetry slam vibe....

    I tried one, picked a couple of my funny philosophy numbers and got stuck in...it was a laugh...though i think only certain styles of writing work really well with that kind of event.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    Swindon has no poetry scene, i'd be tempted to start up my own bussiness though...hmm....

    So many futures i can take, so little time ¬_¬

  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    i've always wanted to go to a poetry slam! they sound so... so... EXCITING!

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    they're pretty fun, I've been told I'm a natural performer, had a bad experience with certain slam poets, and it's rather time consuming, so for now I'm sticking to school.