
  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    you guys, i miss hailie... she was the most incredible poet i've ever met. she was my idol, and she was like a sister to me. i wish she'd come back!

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    I miss her too... she was awesome, wasn't she? I hope she's doing ok...

  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    wah! i want hailie back.... ::sniff::

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    She's probably doing great. And I'm sure she misses you too...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I hope she burns down under...

    If you think she was the greatest poet ever, then you actually think I am the greatest poet ever, as she stole MY poems, and won the weekly award with MY poem...

    She is nothing more than a ******** plagiarizer. I don't know how many poems she stole, but she sure didn't waste her time...

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Hey, she made a mistake, ok? I know how much it sux to have poems plagerized... it's happened to me, too.

    You are a great poet, and so was Hailie. Just let it go, already. I know it was your work, but it's done now, and she's gone. What more can you take from her other than her poetry?

    I loved her for who she is. I'm sure you've made mistakes, too.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    yeah I have, but she actually stole a number of poems and never ask forgiveness...that's not just a mistake...that's evil...thus she will not be forgiven...

    It shows a distinct lack of respect for other people and their works...

    I will never respect her.

    I don't want to take anything from her.

    I have no need to...

    I have never taken her poetry from her...I would rather say it is the other way around...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    i know...by the way chris, check my latest topic in the feedback thing..

    named hailie:P

    might interest you

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Foxyblonde...did you like her because she was nice, or becaue you are plagiarizer?

    At least on of your quotes is not written by you...

    "A skater boy broke my heart, i broke his board"..


    Seriously Chris, I think plagiarizers stick together...


  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    wow, you're totally off the hook. i'll pray for you

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Seldom do silence contain more meaning than at this very moment....

    (i'm going to use that in a poem soon)

    So don't plagiarize it, foxyblonde and crimson something...

    wait at least until I have written the poem

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Wow... I did come up w/ that with a friend, so if someone else made it up, too, I didn't know about it.

    I don't plagerize. I've been plagerized, and yes, it sucks.

    I liked her because she was nice, and she was strong even through all the stuff she went through.

    Please don't call me a plagerizer... I'm not one, at all. I haven't insulted you, so don't insult me... just because I find good qualities in a person you dislike doesn't mean you should be so incredibly rude.

    P.S. We are all sinners. :)

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    okay, I believe you

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Carving Crimson Smiles...

    It is not allowed to put the work of other people on this site...

    is that so hard to understand?

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Thank you!

    Don't you have permission to put others' work on the site if you have thier permission and you cite them?

  • EoB
    19 years ago



    have you ever been here http://www.cu2.nl/MaliceMizer?

  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    oh, nice name, i like it! lol, no, i cant say i have... why? is it special?

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    no, but one of your poems is there

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    what? which one?

  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    seriously? wow, i'm flattered, which one?

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I hope, I wish, I pray

    the one that starts off like that...

    Thought I'd let you know..

    doesn't seem like you plagiarized, though...

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    what's the title??

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I am not wrong...
    Read this site's rules for GODS ******* sake....

    why is everyone so damn stupid?

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Because it's so damn fun!

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    I never said Hailie wasn't a plagerizer. She did plagerize. That does NOT mean she's a bad person!

    I know why she is gone, and it sucks that she had to plagerize. I still liked her for who she was!

    I'm the foolish one...

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    read the rules...

    They do not say anything about that...if the mods react, I shall remove it, but until then, I won't,...

  • Brookeღ
    19 years ago

    Check your email!

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    Oh, but Ismail, Enslavement didn't use a cliche. He used a quote, which he just told me was against the rules on the site.

    you must be the AUTHOR of all your poems and quotes. I think tryingnottofall was implicating that it was unfair of Enslavement to tell US we couldn't do that and then do it in the profile himself.

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Chris is right. The difference between Enslavement's quote, and your quote, is that Enslavement didn't submit it as his own, nor does he get votes from it.

    Sure, you may cite the ACTUAL author of the quote, but, as the rules say: SUBMIT YOUR OWN WORK! Enslavement isn't submitting this quote, but merely showing that this particular quote has had some kind of impact in his life, or it means something to him.

    This might be YOUR reasons behind submitting other people's quotes. Guess what? That quotes space given to you by this site is for your OWN work, not someone else's.

    Want someone to read a quote? Put it in your profile.

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • EoB
    19 years ago





    Thank you very much

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    ok, i think we are done with this thread... locking now