how do you get your poems read?

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    just keep putting yourself out there. the more you read and comment on someones poetry then hopefully they will come back and read and comment on your poems if thats what you want. also stay involved with the forums and stuff, stay active on the site and hopefully your poems will become more known and stuff. good luck!

    ~PLP~ lil slam~

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I add people to my msn, and offer them a strip-tease, using a web-cam, if they read three of mine...

  • Carlee Ann
    19 years ago

    comment on other people's work, and they will most likely comment on yours! :)

  • blackrose1011
    19 years ago


  • Josiah Larson
    19 years ago

    well people only read mine normaly when I first post them after that hardly any one does!