I feel stupid asking this...PLZ READ

  • Felicity Laveau
    19 years ago

    Okay, I'm not gona say why I need to know this but I promise I'm not like, some big freak that's wanting this so....well you'll get what I mean in a minute...

    OKay there's this like porn site or something, I don't know if it's actually porn or not, where people have there own little profile's or pages or something and you can send them messages...I'm thinking it's like blackplanet.com or something like that but when I typed that in it's not that...

    okay I'm not some perv that can't find my own porn page, but like I said i can't explain why I need this, just if anyone knows what the site is or know of any sites that sound like that post here or send me a PM or e-mail (felicity07@gmail.com)

    Again, I feel stupid but I need to know!!!

    Thank you...lol

    And btw I'm not gona think bad of you if you know the answer!!! lol

    ()__( ) ----I WAS THE FIRST!!!----
    (='.'=) Cute but Psycho...it'll be alright!
    (")_(") xoxo-Felicity L.