Something is wrong with our society!!!!!!!!!!

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    Karon there is people worse off then your anorexia, there is people that need cancer treatment or other extremly worse deceases.
    No what's wrong with this society? All you impatient fucks.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    And it's spelt emaciated.

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    i'm going to have to go with ryan on this one as well. hospitals really dont have time/resources to give attention seeking teens the therapy and pills they wish when they have somone bleeding from a gunshot wound in the next room, just an example. try to take care of your own problems instead of saying its society's fault.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    Ismail, I don't run around freaking out cause I can't get something my way. I can wait in a line up without sighing about how long it is. There is patient and impatient people.

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    mmm, the sweet smell of an argument a-brewing.

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    nothing? that's a disappointment...

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    Epithet, Ismail doesn't back down he will be back soon enough.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    But whinning about some hospital taking it's time to do something is someone being impatient, not time draging you down.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    I could understand what you are saying if she was dieing of something. But she isn't.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    That I do, damn you older more wise people.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    Her point was cause it wasn't catering to her.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    I'm more mature then her and she's 17.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    Yes, wisdom.

  • Toni
    19 years ago

    Well im sure all your arguing has done her a hell lot of good.

    "As for your anorexia, blame yourself for it, society's beauty was your obstacle and instead of exercising which is the healthy way of losing wait, you chose the low road. Get help for it as well."

    Yes theres a certain amount of choice in becoming anorexic especially when you first start, but once you start the cycle its incredibly hard to stop. Blaming yourself for becoming anorexic is only going to make matters worse. And..although anorexics strive to be thin, usually that's just a symptom of a more deep problem - its not always about losing weight, but they have real issues with control and feel they have to control part of their life to the excess...hence controlling eat. So no its not a case of 'do exercise thats the healthy way' - its an inner emotional problem. And until they deal with that, the anorexia won't go away.

    So hun, put all your effort into some serious soul searching and try to figure out why you're needing to do this, you can only help yourself in this world - counsellors n doctors r just there to help you help YOURSELF. You really don't wanna start going down the hospitalisation road, unless you become suicidal or your blood tests aren't good - i have been there and its not pleasant.

  • Toni
    19 years ago

    Mmm yeah. I dont think i explained myself v well about the having a choice thing. I just wonder how much actual 'free' choice there is when you're addicted/have compulsive behaviour to something.

    I definitely think its a choice to start of with..but then sometimes it becomes a way of life that you can't break..or at least with difficulty - this is just in the severe cases im talking about here.

    Yes society puts pressure on teens to be thin etc etc, and makes them feel inadequate - but i dont think people should blame society for everything, after all society isn't going to change especially for them, or anyone for that matter...

    Anyway i really hope the peep who started this, has sought some help now

  • M
    19 years ago

    I agree, nobody MAKES you go to anorexia. Not even society or others. Really now, do you want to look like an ugly skinny crap and die? Come on it's natural to eat, you just have to exersise to keep low weight. It's nobody's fault but yours that you are anorexic. Don't blame it on ANYONE, not peer presure, nothing, the choice is always yours. And if it's so hard to stop, why start in the first place. I don't beleive that it's hard to stop, all you have to do is eat. EAT! Is it that hard? Don't choke yourself and force yourself to throwup.

  • M
    19 years ago

    You are not unseen and unheard by the way... Did you even tell your parents about this? Parents are the ones who care for their kid and will try to comfort you and make you better. Dont just go sneaking in hospitals. And dont blame others or society for what's happening. It's just some little shitty moodswing not a huge mental illness.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    M, you have never been in that situation by the sounds of it. So your opinion is quite useless. And just telling some kid to eat doesn't work.