Analyse this.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    I don't think it's crap. I think Ismail is turning into a scroodge.

    I too see you and her building a beautiful life together but it being destroyed by some unfortunate event....and then you rebuilding it together and it being stronger than ever.

    I like that...nice.

  • Ashleigh Skye
    19 years ago

    She and I
    we built castles in sand
    got washed away by tide
    and we went on to build
    castles in the sky

    I think that it is refering to someone and their best friend and how they used to play together when they were younger but then they both died so now they "Build castles in the sky" like they are together again in heaven.

    I really like it is poetic

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    well it's not crap, Ismail...shut up.

    When I read it I envisioned two people in love blah blah blah and they were driving somewhere, like a summer resort just for the two of them, and they crash and die and continue their love in heaven, hence the castles in the sky.

    I really love it by the way. nice flow and comparison and symbolism. great job.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    HAHAHAHA That could actually be true in this verse. Didn't think of that. Nice coonay...and girl above her. Actually Hayley I think her name is….. I thought at first her interpretation was immature but it could definitely be a possibility although I like mine better, it's much

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago's always fun to see what others interpret of your work. Especially when it's like this as people can give you ideas you NEVER thought of.

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    heh yea I know Ismail was joking...but just the same he can kiss my white ass! analyze THAT! *smacks booty*

    and I'm curious as to know what YOUR interpretation of your own peice was....?

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    mmm yes very interesting.

    I personally thought Coonat's was bullshit and mines makes more sense. haha. just messing. I love you Coonat!

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Yes, it it. But what exactly were you trying to get across in your mind while writing this. An imaginary castle in the sky or something stronger?

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago interpretation was GREAT thank you very much! I think much better than two people crashing and dying.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Interesting. That's pretty cool. I like that a lot Aashik. Creative I think.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Renee....HAHAHA She's cool and her name is we call her

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    LMAO thats me....

    would you like to be a Cooid?

    (she probably thinks i'm OUT OF MY MIND...)

  • Renee
    19 years ago


    Coonat is Natalie!! I'm cooNAY!!

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    You should be Cooshik...I think your pretty cool. you qualify

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    You better be...It's only the COOLEST club out there...

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    LMAO @ Coonay...HAHAHA

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    I've recruited a new Cooid. we are just getting so popular! how cool!

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago


  • Natalie84
    19 years ago always seem to open up a new door and shine light on something no one would have ever thought of.

  • Sean
    19 years ago

    She and I
    we built castles in sand
    got washed away by tide
    and we went on to build
    castles in the sky

    My interpretation is much like the ones before, when you first begin a relationship it's fragile and you both have to put so much effort into it to make it last and work, sand castles are fragile already, but when you have a wave hit it - that's it.

    You can lose love, or a relationship....or maybe it hit a low in the relationship, and you can then build it stronger, more of a spiritual love i guess.

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    LMAO @ the gay construction workers!

    I thought of a friendship that began at youth and was washed away by time or death. But I thought that perhaps one of the friends died and now they have to build their castles in the sky.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    *haven't read all the other posts*

    I think that it talks about a childhood got built up that the couple was together until they died but their love continued into heaven..???



  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Seeing what others said about it being childhood friends or lovers continuing their love in heaven is really neat. What a cool post! I really have enjoyed this.