
  • ~*Ley*~
    19 years ago

    I'm on pills currently. i had that whole afraid stage. don't worry just keep an open discussion with your doctor about it. if you notice anything going wrong talk to him about it. you seem to be drawing more and more away from the social world, not to scare you but the pills might be causing a bit of that. i suggest talking to a professional psychiatrist, not all family docs know. i know mine sure as hell doesn't. like i said, open conversation about it. ANYTHING you feel is wrong tell him don't think "oh im just paranoid" because it could be legitimate. I started eating a lot when i was on them i thought i was paranoid but my doc said that they might have caused it, switched the pills and i eat good again. above all realize that the pills you take are not permanent. they work differently for many different people and it just takes time to find the right ones. and there are plenty to go through it may take a long time to find the right ones. but you will. have faith
    good luck

  • StormySkies
    19 years ago

    Sweetheart, don't worry about it. The pills are there to keep you from going crazy, not to make you crazy. I'm bipolar, and I have to be on meds for the rest of my life. That sux, hardcore. I really freakedw when I found this out, but then I started taking them and I feel tons better. If you take your meds like you are supposed to, the depression will go away, and you can be happy again. Hope I helped!

  • clevername
    19 years ago

    dont worry the meds wont do anythign but help... and you wont go crazy dont worry the worse that cood happen wwood u might get asick or something but then theyll take u right off them dont worry......if you want the meds and you think its ur path then go all for it good lcuk and i hope everythign works out for you

  • natalie
    19 years ago

    hey i was on anti depressants until i got pregnant and they are jsut to help you feel better, i wrote a poem on it called happy pills about how i felt when i first starting taking them (just in case itd help you) the pills are to help lighten your mood, they wont make you crazy, just calm you down. i had to wait for 6 months to get get a psycholcogist, but if you could have regular appointments with your doctor just to talk through stuff it might help, while you're waiting. its hard feeling bad and wanting it to stop but being unable to make it go away, but you can get through it :D private message me if i can help xxxxxx

  • Timothy B
    19 years ago

    Tou are depressed, here's what I think you need. A nice and relaxing hobby. Just find something that can really calm you down, and than you feel relaxed while doing it. Do this, and you will have no problem. I do this, and have never been depressed.