What's up with the last thirty days?

  • ---AL---
    19 years ago

    Okay is it me or does seem like everyone around you, maybe even yourself, is having some kind relation dilemna or something to do with relationships? I mean like everyone of my friends have become single, or we're cheated on or where dumped, rejected or the lucky ones found someone. It's messed because it all happened within a month, is it just here in my circle of friends, or did it spread further? PLMK...Its my scientific research for today...lol

  • Court
    19 years ago

    i havent really noticed anything with my friends around here...

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    its a phase, that happens where i live too (one person becomes single, so does everyone else).. and its not intentional, weird eh

  • Danielle
    19 years ago

    typical summer stuff