what would you do{game}

  • SHORTY25
    19 years ago

    wish i had a video camera

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    Eh? you didn't leave a "what would you do" m'love. Don't ruin the game for us now.

    What would you do if something was eating you from the inside of your stomach?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Panic...then go to a hospital...

    What would you do if your mom said she had a drug addiction?

  • Rachele
    19 years ago

    send her 2 help right away then find the stash he he :P jk jk

    wat would u do if ur best friend comited suicide 4 no reason

    19 years ago



  • miss kara faye
    19 years ago

    bit abit freeked out...and then laf n say he'z all mine!! and be all over him infront of her lol. (am cruel mwwaahaha)

    wat wud u do if...you got locked out of your house naked in the middle of the day??

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    wake up for sure

    what would you do if you were drunk and ended up kissin yur cuzin?

  • Brian King
    19 years ago

    Buy an assult rifle and take as many cops with me as possible

    what would u do if u were in a coma?

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    19 years ago


    ok what would you do if........a group of drunk men tried to kidnap you?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Scream...and struggle...kick their nuts. Lol.

    What would you do if you were allergic to caffeine?

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    I would die of an overdose on Coke

    What would you do if you were very dependent on gum and you had to go to a 'boot camp' and they didn't allow it?

  • rachyBBY
    19 years ago

    I would hope that he thinks I'm a good meal and hope that he doesn't add pepper, cause it makes me sneeze.

    What would you do if your long lost identical twin found you and then she went out with your boyfriend, pretending to be you?

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    kill her, kiss him

    what would you do if your nose ended up looking like micheal jackson's?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Put a paper bag on my head...

    What would you do if you found out your boyfriend/girlfriend was only using you, and you loved them -a lot-?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Um, well I never saw that...so I'll just say panic till I die because I'm claustrophobic...

    What would you do if someone punched you in the face?

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Kick them in the stomach, knee em in the face, throw them to the ground and....just keep kickin. lmao.

    What would you do if someone told you that you had a disease that was killing you at a slow pace?

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    try to figure out who jumped me, and if i do, get my crew and jump them back...

    what would you do if you came home and realized you were robbed?

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Grab her hand as i was falling off. *heh heh heh...*

    What would you do if someone read all of your most personal poetry? Someone that you didn't want to know how you felt for certain reasons?

  • enfant du tordu chagrin
    19 years ago

    ask him when the hell that had happened

    What would you do if the same best friend hit on you?

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Just....walk away, kinda weirded out. O__O I would think more later...

    What would you do if you and your sibling were trapped on a deserted island and you were both starving and your sibling stole your pork chop??

  • enfant du tordu chagrin
    19 years ago

    Thank god that it wasn't so hot for as long

    What would you do if the weekend dissapeared?

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    throw up by the first sip i know 4 sure! haha

    what would you do if you had to eat cow eyeballs??

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Salt it first and slather some jelly on them. YUMMERS. :P

    What would you do if the person you were absolutely obsessed with came to your door? *It can be like a band, your favorite celebrity, etc...

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    Faint 4 reals
    that was a good one

    what would you do if you had a chance to make out with your fav celeb??

  • ~*Ley*~
    19 years ago

    I wouldn't...It would most likely ruin the fantasy, and I'd have no chance with him after the makage outage so what is the point really?

    What would you do....If you had to think of a questions of "what would you do" and you came up with a blank....o.O

  • ~*Ley*~
    19 years ago

    I'd be like "Hey..Mind helping me out here?"

    what would you do if you liked a guy with a gf

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    hope they break up, and if/when they do get with him...

    what would you do if a bill collector tried to curse you out over the phone? (happened to me)

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    hell i love him at least he aint blood

    what would you do if your teacher was hitting on you but you liked it?

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    get the f**ck out of there embarissing

    what would you do if your mom had an affair with your coach?

  • nikki
    19 years ago

    i would study them until i knew them like the back of my hands.

    what would you do if you met your favorite actor/actress?

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    first question what is an asylum??

    what would you do if you won a contest to the bahamas but in order to get it you would have to quit your job and you really like it??

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    umm id smile,go on tv and rocket advertisements,and shake hands wit the aliens ^_^
    plus wonder why im miss universe since i have pimples,they must be beauty treatments in some country....or world?

    What would you do if you had to stay with a guy/girl for one whole year,they payed for whatever you want but you had to stay with them the entire year werever they go?and be their....x-plicit slave?

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    depending on who the GUY is, if he's cute then i'd stay, but if it was a girl, i'd shoot myself...

    what would you do if your mom told you she was really your dad and your dad was really your mom?? ~I know, confusing!~

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Shrug and walk away.

    What would you do if your parents said you weren't allowed to date your boyfriend/girlfriend, at all, ever? (If you don't have one, pretend)

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Um..be confused. =)

    What would you do if your parents walked in on you masterbating? (ha ha ha ha)

  • InMyWorld
    19 years ago

    oh wow lol...umm pretend i was adjusting and immediately pull my pants up...then probably avoid them for the next few days...eek

    What would you do if you had the choice between a completely prude bf/gf or a really FRIENDLY one?

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago

    sell it to someone for a hundred dollars lol!

    what would u do if u picked up a hooker and found out he/she..was not who u thought..if ya know what i mean??
    (really bored!)

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Drop her/him off.....

    What would you do if you couldn't listen to any music for a whole day...? Not even a commercial jingle...

  • Exquisite_Emily
    19 years ago

    Eat cereal.

    What would you do if you blind/mute and dum?

  • nikki
    19 years ago

    id kill myself and get it over with.

    what would if you could never see your friends again but you got a million dollars to never see them again??