what would you do{game}

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    the hell with the money...i would miss my girlz!!

    what would you do if all your hair fell out and would never grow back??

  • Bri
    19 years ago

    ummm... i'd be bald?? lmao ahh! I'd have to get a wig n i'd lie n say i had cancer or something

    what would you do if you knew u were gonna die tomorrow?

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    19 years ago

    i'm gonna kill myself tonight... so that i'll die tonight not tomorrow... i can't stand another day living!!

    what would u do if you're invisible??

  • Bri
    19 years ago

    umm thats kinda... sad... lol

    UMMMM... if i was invisable.. i'd pull all kinds of pranks and be a "fly on your wall" like in that stalker song by clay akin LMAO!

    what would you do if you were given a million dollars?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Go to Kentucky, get my boyfriend and me and him move far away from everyone....

    What would you do if your account on p&q got BANISHED?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Not speak for a while.

    What would you do if one of your best friends randomly picked a fight with you and slapped you across the face?

  • Amanda
    19 years ago

    i really don't care because I just got here!!!

    what would you do for a kliendak bar???

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    I would quietly strip and do a cannonball into the pool. =)

    What would you do if someone offered you 100$ if you shaved your eyebrows off?

  • A.Hill
    19 years ago

    crack up and then start all them over again and watch them again...lol

    what would you do if your dog talked and said ""i love you??""

  • Amanda
    19 years ago

    say,"oh it's a normal thing...animals talk right?" then go to a mental hospital!!!

    What would you do if your bf/gf took a sh!t on your chest? Think it were kinky or disgusting?

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago

    depends on how cute the guy is..hehe lmao..

    what would u do if u suddenly went color blind?

  • Amanda
    19 years ago

    Probably never post any more poems lol

    what would you do if someone did a 'dirty sanches' to you?

    **for those who don't know, a dirty sanches is where a guy does you in your @55 and then you suck him**

  • Piper
    19 years ago

    gross uhhhhh i would kick the shit out of him

    what would you do if your b-f wanted to make out with your best friend?

  • Amanda
    19 years ago

    Tell him to go for it and when she is on top of him making out with him, I'd shove a dildo up her @55!!

    What would you do if your boyfriend told you he never loved you and that he was lying just to get in your pants??

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago

    *been there* i would tell him "he can't get in my pants if he's not big enough to get past his own.

    what would u do if u got the chance to own the wonka factory???


  • Maeghen
    19 years ago

    eat lots of chocolate!!! lol

    what would you do if your best friend cuts themself?

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago


    tell them they were being stupid! hmm...meaghen

    what would u do if u got really really fat..and waddled??

  • Maeghen
    19 years ago

    look at myself in the mirror and laugh lol

    what would you do if you could live forever?

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago

    try to die everyday that i live..that would suck

    what would u do if u were stranded with johnny depp on an island...with no rum?

  • Synyster
    19 years ago

    Screw him! Over and over and over...!!! I love Johnny Depp!!!

    What if I shipwrecked you with that ugly guy (their uncle, I think???) from 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Never saw the movie...I'll leave it for someone else...

  • Amanda
    19 years ago

    try to kill myself cuz I don't like him (I only saw half the movie!hehe)

    What would you do if a monkey threw poo at you??

  • © fÚnkŸ fÃŘm ©
    19 years ago

    I would throw it back at the stupid monkey!

    What would you do?

  • Greedy
    19 years ago

    I would throw a granaide at it. Frickin Monkey!!

    What would you do if Michael Jackson went into your house?

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Play "Pin the Nose on Michael" to entertain the little boys...

    What would you do if you were clinically diagnosed with writer's block and would have it for the rest of your life?

  • Tainted Beauty
    19 years ago

    I'd scream and then cry:'(

    What would you do if your computer crashed?

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Knowing me, my stupid a$$ would say "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD FLYYYY!!!!!!"

    What would you do if your favorite artist died? :P

  • noraida
    19 years ago

    About time.

    What would u do if u got kidnapped by Barny?

    I Love U
    U love ME

  • Synyster
    19 years ago

    I wouldn't. I'd kick the deranged dino in the shins, go completely jujustu on him and run. So that's a non - issue.

    What if you found out that who you are, isn't really you, but a shadow of a past self?


  • chloe
    19 years ago

    freak out?

    what would you do if your 12 year old sister was pregnant and told you not to tell anyone?

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    I'd ask, Who are you and how did you get here?

    What would you do if you were driving with your friends and one of them lit a stick of dynamite in the car with you?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    i'd freak out and yell at them and tell them to throw it out of the window lol...

    what would you do if....you really really liked this guy and he could be so much fun and he was hott and he could be so sweet and you almost always thought about him....but he could also be a major a** hole and sometimes when he told you things like "i could have went to the party, but i stayed here with you" you knew it was total bull and he could be such a player and so shallow sometimes??

  • XnotaprettygirlX
    19 years ago

    i would tell him to get alife..and go to his imaginary party cuz he dnt have no frends anyway:P

    what would you do if your biggest fear was butterflies and they came and attacked you??

  • Maeghen
    19 years ago

    I'd be like...didn't i get rid of you like 2 months ago?!?! leave me the fuck alone! haha my ex was just like that lol =p

    what would you do if you had a really good friend, but they were kinda nerdy and come to find out, they like you.....what would you say to them to not hurt their feelings if you didn't like them?

  • XnotaprettygirlX
    19 years ago

    its not me..its you...
    just because i want to say that to someone

    if you had an extremely cute hot brother and he had a crush on you would you like him back and be imbred...:S:S????????....iunno why i asked that but ohwell

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    O.O NASTY! even if he was hott...HELLZ no. Thats sick.

    What would you do if your mom ate all your cake on your birthday and it was your favorite kind...?

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    I'd scream and cry and throw a fit, untill she got me a new one and with that one I would just put my face in it and eat it that way. =).

    What would you do if your crush just randomly called and asked you to the movies, and he/she would pay and you'd go to dairy queen afterwards (all his/her paying)....but then 5 minutes before he/she is supposed to be there to pick you up, they call and laugh at you for believing...cos it was a trick...?

  • Renee
    19 years ago

    I would laugh at THEM and be like "HAHA you REALLY thought I would go to dairy queen with you?! I get the shits from dairy products!! HAHA you fell for my trick!" and then hang up on them and go and cry in my room.

    What would you do if there were a million flies in your house and they were bugging the shit outta you. (damn germany and their house flies GAH!)

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I'd break back in and say, "While i was out i got some Mcdonalds...and i also did some legal stuff. To keep things short, the house is now mine, so fix my damned window and i hope you choke on this food heh heh heh..."

    What would you do if you found out your cat had gotten the dog pregnant?? LOL