what should i do please help

  • Sierra Rae
    19 years ago

    Does she really know how against it you are...or do you play it off like it doesn't bother you...I've been in a situation like that before because I liked my friends ex, and she had liked him again but then didn't, and it was really off and on...then I asked her if she would have a problem with me dating him, and she said no-but then when we started dating she got really mad at me for "stabbing her in the back"

    I don't know if this is your case, and if she knows you don't want her dating him then she isn't a very good friend and she is kind of betraying you...and then let me say wow you must be a freshman because that's when you find out who your real friends are gona be...but just keep an open mind because maybe she's thinking something you're not...and if you two do stop being friends now, and then she apologizes later...take the apology and get over it...it's one guy seriously, that you may think you should be with forever but chances are it would never happen...and you'll love yourself way more for taking her back than if you had turned her away, because then you'll just feel guilty...

    trust me you might not think so but you will...

    xoxo-†Sierra Rae ♪♪