Which friend are u in ur group???

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    -- the joker
    -- the advice giver
    -- the party animal
    -- the flirt
    -- the tomboy
    -- the girlie girl
    -- the leader
    -- the popular one
    -- the floater (go from group to group)
    -- the loud one
    -- the shy one
    -- the athlete

    feel free to choose more than one:)
    i would prolly be the- joker, party animal, advice giver, floater, and athlete in my group

  • Sierra Rae
    19 years ago

    mainly i'm the whiner...though that wasn't a choice...lol...hmm...okay I'm the shy one, but the leader, the girlie girl sometimes, and the flirt ALL the time...lol...then the party animal on occasion. and the loud one when it comes to laughing...I'm ALWAYS laughing lol...haha there we go!

    okay, fun question...lol

    xoxo-Sierra Rae

  • sandra
    19 years ago

    -- The flirt (when I want to be)
    -- the joker (all the time)
    -- the tomboy
    -- the advice giver (seems like always)
    -- the leader
    -- the floater (I have a lot of little groups, but 1 main one)
    -- the loud one (and annoying, well thats what some people say)
    -- the shy one
    -- athlete

    It really depends how who I'm with. If I'm with my best friends I'm not shy at all, but in my other groups I can be sometimes. Also when I'm with my best friends, they say I can be the "leader" most the time. I think we take turns though. =)

  • blackrose1011
    19 years ago

    the advice giver
    the party animal
    the flirt
    the girlie girl
    the floater (go from group to group
    the loud one
    the athlete

    we have a small group? lol! I'm not the only one in some of these, but in the group i am defind as either "Jakes" or "the cheerleader"

  • Timothy B
    19 years ago

    -- the joker
    -- the advice giver
    -- the leader
    -- the athlete

    not everything is the same in every group. I belong to many groups of people everywhere, but these are the thin that aply in general to me.

  • Chris
    19 years ago

    -the advice giver
    -the shy one

    yeah i think that's about it.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    -fighter (hold me down maaan hold me dooown lmao)
    -laid-back or in your face...

    Like other people say, it depends on how i feel when i'm around people...


    19 years ago

    group?em the girl?

    19 years ago

    --Girly/flirty (me)
    --Quiet/Advice giver

  • ~ღ~ jeSSica ~ღ~
    19 years ago

    flirty=one and only ME!
    bully=patty & her friend mallow

  • Emma
    19 years ago

    -the joker
    -the party animal
    -the flirt
    -the floater
    and of course
    -the loud one.


  • ---AL---
    19 years ago

    The Joker,
    The leader (sort of, I usually make the plans)
    The loud One (DEFINATELY!!!)
    The guy who helps everyone out
    The weird one
    The floater (sorta)

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    As crazy as it may seem I'm all of them but the athlete. All my friends have extremely awesome personalities and we're totally different in different situations.

  • Synyster
    19 years ago

    -- the joker: nope. We had Kirby and Jess for that... *laughs at the memory*
    -- the advice giver: My friend come to me for advise or to settle disputes within our circle.
    -- the party animal: nope. most parties here are either booze bashes or jock parties... *shudders*
    -- the flirt: don't need to
    -- the tomboy: not a girlie girl, so I guess I'm a tommie by default
    -- the girlie girl: Are you kidding? Come near me with anything pink and frilly and see what happens!
    -- the leader: I don't like to lead, but i don't like to follow... but my friends basically assigned me as the leader, because I was the oldest and I always broke up the fights...
    -- the popular one: ROTFL! To be popular in my school was to be another one of those stupid blonde cheerleader types who talk on their pink Baby Phat cellphones in the bathroom during class and talked like someone out of Clueless ("Like... Oh my gawd!") Count me out... But people did gravitate to me for my people skills and my advise. So barring the popularity mold, I guess you could say I was popular?
    -- the floater: All of my friends were in the same group. We were the punks, goths, skaters, band/choir "geeks". The rest of the school's population (the other 85% were "popular", thug wannabes)
    -- the loud one: not me at all
    -- the shy one: Not shy, but reserved
    -- the athlete: I do sports, like soccer, football and karate, but I wouldn't be caught dead playing for my school

    So I guess I'm the silent leader...