phrases that your parents say non stop that you hate...

  • ◦♥◦Beautiful Tragedy◦♥◦
    19 years ago

    just put (a) phrase(s) that your parents say that annoy you...

    'its not that i don't trust you, it's that i don't trust other people'

    'how many times did i tell you not to do that?'

    'if i've told you once i've told you a million times!'

    'i remember when i was growing up, i didn't get the things you do now'

    'your out of your cotton-pickin mind'

    i want you to go to college,if i could go back in time i would have went too'

    'when will you learn the vaule of money?'

    'i'm your parent not your friend, treate me like one!'

    don't you just hate them,
    now show me yours!!!!

  • Wintersolstice
    19 years ago

    Yeah there was a fair few there I recognise. I'd like to add:
    "Having a B is Brilliant but having an A would be A-lot Better" ect...

    "If you were my dads daughter your ass would be red raw by now"

    "Don't talk to me like that im not your mother!"

    "Yes, but I can to play my music aloud (6 days a week, five hours a day for seventeen years) because I have to practice for my work.

    "Turn that shite of the cd player!"

    "So what did you do today?"

    "At my work today (House cleaner-*cringes*)..."

    "Is it about a boy?" (Yeah like I'd tell you).

    "Are you on drugs/smoking?" (For the last sodding time-NO!!!).

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    Mom: "You can listen to anything as long it's not too loud and screaming. I have old ears."

    "A C means you'll end up in minimum wage watching Roseanne."

    ((While driving))"Get over, Get over, Get over!! Don't look over there! Pay attention to the signs! Brake!"

    Dad: "You'll never amount to anything with that body."

    "Move that there!" "Move what where?" "Move THAT THERE!!"

    "This house is disgusting. How do you people live like this?"

    "When I was your age, I got straight A's in everything."

    "When I was your age, I was always home by 5."

    "Damn dogs!"

  • Daniel Rutter
    19 years ago

    I hate what my parents do!
    i.e: If I have to do it, you do 2!

  • Loneliness Is A State Of Mind
    19 years ago

    "In my days.."
    "When I was your age.."

    followed by some boring ass history lesson. Like im really interested.

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago


  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    "No you can't go ____ You're only 16!"
    "I don't want you ____ at your age!"

  • JussxAxNobody
    19 years ago

    "I've told you time and time before not to do __"

    "I know you can do better. Why dont you apply yourself?"

    Mom:You better not talk to me like that!
    me:ok mom
    Mom: NO, its not okay!!!
    Mom:Don't take that tone with me!
    me:ok mom
    (it goes on for a while)

    o well, im never gonna change her...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    "i'm disappointed in you, i thought you were better than that..."

    "it's not you that i don't trust, it's society"

    "clean your room, or close the door!"
    so i close the door
    and a couple of hours/days later
    "didn't i tell you to clean your f****** room?!"

  • Atomic
    19 years ago

    "Why can't you be more like your sister?"

    "You lack intelligence."

    "You're a whore."

    "I'm regret ever having you."

    When my sister comes home with bad grades she doesn't say anything, when I come home with a "c" she tells me, I'm an idiot, and how come my grades are dropping. People improve their grades and yours dropped! And then I would ask her why she didn't say anything to my younger sister, she would respond, "Because I'm use to seeing bad grades on her report"

    Oh and this one is rich...when she tells you, you're the reason she wants to runaway from home.

    Ever get that look of disappointment? times.....

    ( )_ ( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Avellana
    19 years ago

    'Anyone with a modicome of intelligence' whenevr i saya or do something stupid.

    'life's not fair, deal with it' aggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!

    i feel the anger rising just thinking bout it...

  • JJ
    19 years ago

    "Everything has a place and there's a place for everything"

  • Satine
    19 years ago

    'Its not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust other people.'

    'I see.'

    'So do it!' (Note: It's easier to say then to do.)

    'That red lipstick is awful.' (Note: It was for halloween. Lol.)

    'Clean up the gum wrappers.'

    'Go kill the spider.' (Note: We're both very arachnaphobic(sp?).)

    'Hurry up! Run, run!'

    'I'm disappointed in you. Why'd you do that?' (This is more of a saying that isn't said so often, but when it is, god I feel terrible.)

    'Zippidie doo dah, zippidie eh, my oh my what a terrible day..' (He sings it, annoyingly on purpose, all the time. -_-)

  • Greedy
    19 years ago

    "What the Hell are you doing!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Yup...weird no?

  • greenmunky
    19 years ago

    mom: "are you going over to ronnis(my best friend) to meet boys?"

    me: "no mom, im going over to ronnis to hang out with my best friend"
    mom: "OH, is he your boyfriend?" (when i talk to a guy)
    mom: "turn that shit down its giving me a headache"
    n just crap like that lol

  • Ashlee
    19 years ago

    "im disapointed in you"


  • Forgotten Memory
    19 years ago

    dad if im going out somewhere
    "no glove, no love"

    ask mom to do something "go ask ur father"

    mom: constantly yelling my name in the morning to wake me up....she doesnt get it that i need my 15 hours of sleep

    i think thats all

  • noraida
    19 years ago

    You're all dirty dogs.
    Where is your sister?
    Where's your Father?
    Did you wash the dishes like i told you?
    Go to your room.
    You see this hand Right in your face.
    Where is the Belt.
    You deserve what u got.
    I told you so.
    U bunch of bit... ur going to end up like ur sister.

    Oh and many more but there 2 harsh

  • courtney
    19 years ago

    you shouldnt do that it could hurt

    pull my finger

  • Feline Fatigue
    19 years ago

    i'm too tired.

    we'll see.

  • ღtheღcrunkღpirateღ
    19 years ago

    'if you don'y like it you can leave'
    or 'break omg im gunna die' when im driving =)

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    yeah, it's real nice when you apologise all the time. I can be like that sometimes. of course I'm working on a philosophy that takes me where I no longer need to. I tease my best friend about her apologeticness all the time. everyone does. she says, "I'm sorry" for saying "I'm sorry." She has a sense of humor about it.

  • Kalika
    19 years ago

    "Shut that door, we can't afford to cool/heat up the neighbourhood!!"


    "Are you on Crystal Meth??"
    (my mother asks me that everytime I come home from my friends house.)

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    "You're like a snake,leaving your clothes around wherever you go!"

    "If you could thin down,honey youd be so beautiful!"

  • Tiller
    19 years ago

    "Are you gonna be okay?"
    "When are you gonna start helping out around here"
    "When will you learn your doing this to yourself"

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    -->"What's wrong with you..-now-?"
    -->"How are you?! I never get to talk to you! You're always glued to that f#cking computer screen!"
    -->"You have too much make up on."
    -->"Didn't I tell you to take that black nail polish off?"
    -->[every time I bring up my boyfriend]"As long as you stay here and he stays wherever the Hell he lives, that's great."
    -->"You make our family look poor."

    Guh. I suppose all that makes me look bad, but I'm unique, what can I say.

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    "Hang out with the family"
    "Do you need help?"

  • cuppycake
    19 years ago

    Dad: why haent you taken out the trash?!
    Me: its not MY job go do it yourself if you dont like it!!
    DaD:I do it ALL the time!!! get of your ass and do it!!
    ME: if you do it all the time do it now and stp whining!!!
    (it goes on and on...and the trash is still sitting there)

    Mom: look at me
    MOM: why do you put so much eyeliner on? your pants are too big!
    Me: mom!!! im not gonna be another preyy teen bitch!!! leave me alone my make up is fine!! and i like my clothes!
    (she never gives up)

    Mom: turn that music down i can hear it in my room!
    (will they never stop?)(i just say its cultural :))

    Dad:does it have to be so loud?(yes it does otherwise it wouldnt be that loud!!goosh..)

    mom: your room is disgusting, its looking like ryans!!!
    ME:then clean it your self!
    Mom: im not touching your room its yours!
    ME: exactly...
    (it goes on)

    mom:dont talk to me like that!

    mom: if you dont get off that computer chair your ass is going to get big
    (so ill be fat...)

    mom:dont close your door all the time (grrr!)

    mom: cant you find some good music?
    me: this is good music!
    mom:something we all can enjoy
    me:i dont care if you enjoy it!

    Dad:yep shes just like ryan (that makes me sooo mad!)

    the list goes on!!!...

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    Mom: [reaction to me cursing] *Gasp* SARAH!

  • cuppycake
    19 years ago

    lol these make me seem alot of parents are the same...they need new phrases

  • Not Bulletproof
    19 years ago

    None of my parents say this, but I'm sure some do.

    "Can't you do anything right?"

  • Sarah Ann
    19 years ago

    'Shes so much better than you, why cant u be like her?'

    'You are a fucking selfish bitch!'

    'Watch when you have kids'

    'Keep lying and you will see what happens'

    'Didnt I tell you no already?'

    'Go ask your father [or visa versa]'

  • ☆Vintage Butterfly Star☆
    19 years ago

    'Go away laughing girl'

    'Too damn loud, no1 else wants to hear your Whitney impressions'

    'Don't be so inconsiderate'

    'Do you think money grows on trees'

    'You'll understand when you have to pay for your own phone calls and shopping trips'

    'You're not going out in that'

    'Do i have fool written across my forhead' (nah you washed it off when you woke up Dad)

    'You can't always play the clown' (sure i can, i'm joining the circus)