Help Me

    19 years ago

    I don't think you should be sorry for telling him that just tell him that you had alot on your mind and it just came out.

    If you ever need to talk, PM me :D

    19 years ago

    nah, sorry I got no ims but my email is

    Well if he was curious maybe hes not pissed off just hasn't been on the net?

    19 years ago

    Im sorry but what could be so bad that he would say that?
    I have told people here nearly everything about me and they have been supportive?
    If he could just say that to you why do you want to make friends with him?

    19 years ago

    Well, try talk to him get one word in at least and just ask why?
    ya gotta know why hes annoyed to make it all better, and kow i dont have yahoo im because im to lazy to download it

    19 years ago

    Well then all I can say is that hes not a real friend if he can do that to you!
    Make new friends show him !

    il be your friend :D lol

    19 years ago

    How long are yas friends and is it only over the net?

    19 years ago

    Ouch, did he really mean that much like did you tell him stuff?
    is it on this site or a diff?

  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    19 years ago

    The Internet can be a very cruel place because people say things they wouldn't say to your face

    Im probably older than you but believe me we have all been hurt by somone in our lives
    The only thing to do is NOT try to talk to him
    and if you can then you should block him from your internet chat sites or messengers
    Don't worry that he knows your lttle secret he is obviously a user and you had best forget all about him
    And dont blame yourself you did nothing wrong
    if you need to talk im John
    read my poem I.N.V.I.S.I.B.L.E G.I.R.L.
    It shows the problems that Internet chat can cause
    and Remember you are not alone
    best wishes


  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    19 years ago

    im on yahoo messenger as jayvee73uk
    and your welcome
    hope it helped you
    bye 4 now

  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    19 years ago

    im so glad you got rid of him
    i am on vacation now for 7 days with no computer but will check you out when i get back
    love ( friendly)