is it just me or is this wierd?

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    How is this sad and/or depressing? Dumb something with some substance, something interesting.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    I said something interesting with some substance...that was a group of words stuck together that formed a bunch of RUBBISH...

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Dont see the relevance of this here but anyways its quite simple..
    The product is made to control your moods/emotions.
    How could it not effect your decision to eat?
    I was on anti-anger medicine, during that period it had total control over all of my emotions.
    How can it not control if you feel like eating or not?
    It could be a side effect, thou I find that it was doing the job it was put out to do..
    You basically starved yourself..
    Have you heard of people taking a diet supplement loosing weight from not eating because of it.
    Then when quiting the substance they eat more then they even use to.
    They quickly regain the weight and sometimes gain even more.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    in short...Withdrawal from anti-depressants is often excruciating. oh, yeah, the shrinks won't let us call it "withdrawal." but, anyway, you're not alone.