same school, no friends

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    what was the knife incident?????

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I really dont understand why people have to have a social status in school.
    Having friends etc in school is not your whole life..
    If you are looking forward to school just to get friends then you are their for the wrong reason.
    High school peers today are usually nothing more than people looking at an exuse to spread something.
    Make something up of someone or generate some type of chaos during the school year.
    You are better off not hanging about 80% of them, focus on getting school done with a good gpa..
    If people are so much into peer pressure at school not to listen to you side rather others..
    Then do not waste your time with people who cannot run their own life.

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    well that's a sticky situation... i agree with the person above me though. get invovled in sports or clubs or soemting, meet new people. not everyone out there will know or be freaked out by this 'incident.'
    you're welcome to email me if you ever need someone to just talk to. i'm actually going to a new school in a few weeks so it'd be nice to have someone to talk to for me as well.
    hope everything goes well for you.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Nada, you do not need to be friends with people who seem to strive off of other peoples misery.
    School is a hard place to get a long with others for many people. If you waste the whole time searching for something that may not happen you may just mess up your financial life as well..
    And not eveyone needs a social status its a necessity today brought in by large groups of people.
    If you get zero'd out by them than the person usually responds with I need a group of friends too..
    Well as long as you let them get to you then they are doing exactly what they want.
    Until both of the sides mature and learn their is more to life than you will always hurt.
    You will gain friends quickly if you go into a profession you enjoy.
    You have to find something you have a passion doing.
    Then going to work doing something you have a passion for, you will meet many people similar.
    Their is where real friends actually come in..

  • M
    19 years ago

    If this *knife incident* ruined your status, thats your fault. Who's the one who started slicing themselves? Eh? Whats that? Oh yeah, YOU.
    Why complain about it on the forums if its entirley your fault. Instead of cutting yourself, why not actually do something else to blow some know exersise, gym, beat up a punchingbag, throw some pillows arround...its completley unnecesary to just cut yourself. Quite stupid too.