Ok people LISTEN UP

  • you dont need to know
    20 years ago

    im dave im 18 i live in england and i have spent the last week arguing fighting bitching with or taking shit from people i dont even know on the other side of the fcuking world, well i am sick and fcuking tired of it, im not a bad person, i say the wrong thing in the wrong context at the wrong time in the wrong place and every fcuker decides to heap shit in my face, well here and now the fighting stops. im a nice guy, i just want an easy life so any one who wants to start an argument can find some other innocent tosser cos i dont need it any more. apologies to all those people ive offended but just lighten up EVERYONE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
    now who wants to tlk bout something totally irrelevant with me?

  • you dont need to know
    20 years ago

    look i didnt mess with ur friends, ive explained shitloadsa times im not explaining again so give me a break.