ATTN: Janis please read (whos tiffany)

  • East Poetry
    20 years ago

    for some reason my membership is crisscrossed with a girl named tiffany. every time i visit the sight wether to look up the poem i wrote or just read others, after hitting the love romance tab (witch is the one my poem is in) im suddenly logged in as a girl named tiffany. ive been wanting to edit my poem and fix some mess ups in it form for a long time now, but when i log in and press the your poems tab it says i have no poem enterd. also if i want to comment on someones poem or send them a private comment it says im tiffany, i typed in tiffanys name in the seach, and shes got hundreds of peoms under her name written by different people, i cant be the only one haveing this problem. i dont know how you can contact me unless you do it via emial to for the fear of if you use your sight the tiffany girl might get your message. please respond asap. if you check out my poem called infinity maybe you could leave a comment there on what your goiing to do to fix this. please reply soon thx Randy

  • you dont need to know
    20 years ago

    yeah m8 i got same prob nothing u can do bout it buddy