Vagabon the Lost One will not be attending as much

  • Garrett
    19 years ago

    Actually, it IS educational, because poetry is literature. Literature is a subsection of high school English - a major part of British literature. Also, many high schools have poetry and creative writing clubs. So when he said is is a non educational site, he is wrong, because he is dismissing the importance of poetry.

    19 years ago


    Buh bye bonbon lol sorry had ta one last time :P


  • Feline Fatigue
    19 years ago

    give em a temp. curse.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I think she meant "give them a temporary curse"...

    And yes. Tell your administrator (sp?) that he is a retard. Also tell him that he has no mind nor taste for learning in literature and creativity. Just throw in big words, they don't even have to make sense...lmao

    We'll miss you in these times, though. :(


  • Michael
    19 years ago

    God, I would die if they did that to me school. Ill miss u (sniff)..and a temporary curse? i can do...i need info y i should curse it. Like, any more bad problems happen( A teacher thinks that he is smarte then u, etc.) U give me that...and I will do...

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    Hmm...the law of three...darn it...ah well...thx anyways...

    BTW: I got a new spyware, TABS: The Anti Blanco Spyware.

    (Large Zapping Sound) AHHHHHH!

    Looks like it caught something...:)))))

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    OH no problem...:) Im actually happy about it...If a world was full of compliments, there would be no challanges...

  • Michael
    19 years ago back...I just heared one of my friend's dad had a heart attack yesterday and sad...:'((

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    heya guys...watsup??

    ahh michael, i'm sorry to hear that =(

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    Hey in love, long time no see...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yeah, i know! how have you been?

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    Alright...lots has change:
    1. According to Garrett, Im now called Shitz Boy, because of a wide imagination of Blanco and those other characters.

    2. I refuse to spek to Garrett now.

    3. Found this out a couple of weeks ago, that Im gay...that all I can think of...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    aww why won't you talk to garret? he rocks! he's my and my other bitche's manwhore! ha ha....i was here for the schitz boy thing...

    wow...does it bother you?

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    No..its just when I try to talk to him, he keeps swearing at me and calling me names, so I cant have a decent talk...

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    And what bothers me? The Schitz Boy or being gay?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    oh, that sucks...i'll have to get on him about that lol..

    the gay thing...

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    JOOC, y do u like him? Im not u and Im not trying to convince he's bad...but y do u like him?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    what is JOOC? i'm confused =(

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    oh ok, thanks Arbiter...

  • Michael
    19 years ago

    Hmm...thats true...somwthing really must have gotten him angry...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    he's always nice to me when we talk...i just talked to him like 2 days ago lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yeah, i seen that...

  • Absinth Eyes
    19 years ago

    Aww... but you have good sense of humor amongst the many prudes and devoit Christians...

    We must more this day...

    : )