back and bad :P

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    tired as well....and trying to be patient....but i want my letters! lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yeah, i know! lol...mail people need work faster, dammit! lol...

    yay! i'll write you one, too...sorry if it's boring lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    i'll send you a picture of me, too....but, being my cheap self, i will only send copies and not originals lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yay! i'll put it up on my bulletin board at school! lol...

    i'm sure it won't bore're the farthest thing from boring bitch!

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    ha ha *shakes fist with you* they should have their pay cut! lol

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    woot! now i feel special and loved! lol...

    i'm puttting yours on my bulletin board because everyone can see it there....our schools kinda weird, we sit in cubicles and work....and that's where our bulletin boards are so umm..yeah =) lol..

    sorry, i'm just kind of rambling on and on about un-important stuff lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    aww...i had those last year at my other i feel your pain! *GIANT bear hug* i miss those uncomfy desks....weird...i misss the whole damn

    i do, too....keeps the conversation going! lol....but i think i'm annoying people when i do it, so i apologize a lot lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    they did hurt...i was always moving around in them, trying to get comfy! lol...and then when i tried to lay my head down and go to sleep it never really worked out.... it sucked ass! lol...

    aww that's sad =*(...this may be horrible and weird...but when i'm around people who are bigger than me, it makes me feel small, and a lot better about myself....i should go to fat camp, that'd boost my self-esteem! lmao...(ahh! i'm a horrible person!...sorry)

    i'm glad you love it! rach does, too....that's why i love you guys so freakin much!

    lol...i usually don't talk to a lot of people like this....i don't want to feel like an idiot...and i don't want them to reject me....i hate rejection....

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    ha ha, i never did that...i just sat at my uncomfy desk, not talking, while everyone else did work with their partner....unless the nerds talked me ha ha....(but i do have to give them credit, they were good friends, and were pretty cool to talk to lol)

    yes! let's do it! my self esteem is horrible, too...*packs stuff for fat camp* this is gonne be great...feeling skinny long are we going? lol...

    it is fun! whenever i'm acting stupid, i start thinking i'm annoying, so there aren't very many people who have seen my stupid side lol...

    gah, i don't care! you should know that by now! lol...btw, are you feeling any better than you were last night?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago


    lol...i wouldn't say i was really independent...and if i was, it wasn't a choice and i didn't like it....i hated not having a partner, made me feel even shittier lol...all of my friends except one were in different classes....and that one didn't really talk to me that much in class....*sigh* i was such a loser lol...

    woot! lol.....maybe we should just move there ha ha....

    aww thank you! *happy tear*....nah, it isn't that're much awesomer than me! better remember!'ll NEVER annoy if i start to annoy you, you can tell me to shutup as well....i'm sure i'll listen lol....

    i hope so....i know i say this all the time, and you probably have tons of people to talk to, but i really am always here for you....i don't want you to feel like you have to hide how you're feeling from me....i love you *hugs you tightly* don't you EVER forget it either!

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yes i did! and i'm wearing my MBH bracelet! you rock....i'm going to write you sometime tonight and have my mom mail it for me lol....

    aww we should form a 'loser's alliance' lmao....

    ha either! man, this is going to be great, not feeling like a cow lol...

    yeah, same here....i always get uber annoyed when i'm pissed, tired, mad or sad and people mess around with me....i just wanna choke the bastards! lol...

    no problem, really, i love you, too =)

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yes, yay MBH's! lol...oh well, they're still great! lol...

    of course we rock! people who think we don't rock, are just....stupid! ha i get it, it makes sense to me lmao...

    ha ha...i've done that...i either forget about the stuff and burn it....or i check it way too much lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    i think i might email rach, i miss her!

    that was random...sorry lol

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    ha ha ha....that's funny! but is your hand ok? i bet that

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    aww i'm sorry! i bet it is ouch!

    one time i put a stirofoam (i know that's spelled very wrong! lol) plate on the stove while it was still hot and it started melting...i was like what the hell?! ha ha.....i also put one of those in the microwave lmao....i do some stupid stuff....i also left a plastic spatula on a hot skillet and now there's a umm...i dunno what it's the handle where the plastic melted lol...

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    LMAO....yes we are!

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    ok...i'll just be sitting here, at the computer, writing your letter and waiting for someone to get on lol...i love you, too BBITW! talk to you later...

    19 years ago

    Retard? Katieness?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    ahh! lisa! LOLOLOLOLOL

    ...still here?

    19 years ago

    My 3 yr old retard LOL yes im here :P

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yay! so retard, how are you?!

    19 years ago

    Good, did you ever see the movie "Identity"?

    how are youness?

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    isn't that the movie with john cusack? about a guy who has like 7 personalities and they're stuck at hotel and one of them is a murderer?

    ehh...i'm breathing! lol...

    19 years ago

    Yeah thats the movie, then the kid turns out to be the pysco personalite!!!!

    im not breathing :P

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    yeah! i freakin love that movie! lol

    ahh! omg! breathe, retard, breathe! i don't wanna do mouth to mouth! lol...

    19 years ago

    Lol, RATARD????

    Im a rat with lard???

    My bro has to go to bed now hahahaha, god I miss him :|

    Okay il breath so i wont be a ratlard :D

  • GoodMorning
    19 years ago

    LMAO damn retarded fingers! lol...

    aww i'm sorry *GIANT bear hug*

    hey, go to the thread i just made...