Hi All!! :o)

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Listen here, you over-emotional tween, DON'T disrespect the members here even though they disrespect you. You can be the bigger person, you know. And DON'T bring up an old thread just to say something that someone said to you nearly a month ago.

    In fact, that's probably how long it took you to come up with "GET FUKD ARSHOLE!!"

    (And give me a break! What Shiky said wasn't even disrespectful!)

    Kids like you are annoying and make me ashamed to be considered one. Kids like you are also why most adults think younger people are immature brats.

    Have fun with your new penalty. ^__^


    19 years ago


    Thats shiky you gotta love her!!!

    And I agree with ariness!

    LMAO...anger management woman!!!


  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago


    You moron! There were at least THREE MEMBERS on this site that saw what you wrote! And I copied and pasted it!

    ROFL, how idiotic are you??

    "Im sowi!!"


    Shiky...mwahaha...are you laughing as hard as i am?


  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago


    It's pathetic, really...


  • Atomic
    19 years ago

    HAHA, wow.

    Took her over a month to come up with that comeback?

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago


    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! This is too funny! Good God, lmao!


  • Atomic
    19 years ago

    I just clicked on her name...her poem looks just as pathetic. =)

    For one poem, she got a 1.5

    So that means, someone gave her a 3 and another gave her a 1.


    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago


    ...She's....a plagiarizer?

    Oooooh goody. :)


  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I've reported her. ^_^


  • Atomic
    19 years ago

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! She took her poem off!

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago


    Little twinkie...i will catch her for something...mwahahahaha..


  • Marjan
    19 years ago
