Does he like me or not?!!

  • B4BY BLU3 X
    19 years ago

    I've liked this guy called Craig for a couple of months right, and its just really weird because i've liked him all these time, never spoken to him n never did i think for one second that i would stand a chance with him EVER! Because, he works in a travel agents in my town, and I always walk past there and see him in there, n theres been a couple of times where he's smiled at me. But other times, he just stares at me!!

    Until last week where I went in the travel agents with my mates who needed prices for a holiday. And my mate flirted with him and asked him for his number. And he gave it to her! So i was all upset and everything cuz i thought he liked her. But as we got out of there, my mate gave me his number aswell, so I've been texting him LOADS ever since!

    Apprently I was the one he wanted to get his number, and he only gave his number to my mate cuz he knew i would get it. And ive asked him loads of questions to get to know him, and when i asked him what turns him on, he said 'you do! you could! x' and the other thing was i asked him what he was up to and he said 'thinking bout u! wish i was wiv ya! do u?! x'

    That kinda gave me the idea that he likes me. But for the past couple of days, he hasnt been textin back. Either that or he texts for a little while but then stops suddenly and doesnt reply! So I'm wondering whether he really likes me or if he's just mucking me about to mess with my feelings?!

    Please help! I really like him! x x

  • Lilly
    19 years ago

    Well he wouldn't say that stuff to a stranger, and i doubt it's a joke cos he has no audience (ie. ignorant m8s) so unless he's not right in the head there would be not point joking.

    I would go for it.... if it fails u won't have 2 see im again... and if it works then you'll have a great boyfriend!!!

  • B4BY BLU3 X
    19 years ago

    Thanks guys! That made me feel so much better! Thing that confuses me is, if he really does like me, then why does he hardly ever text me back when i text him? And he texts me whenever he likes and expects me to text him back, but when i text him, he wont text me! And sometimes, when we're texting, he will just stop texting all of a sudden without a reason! Surely if he likes me he wouldnt do that?!

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    He might be low on credit.