I can't trust men...

  • Madison
    19 years ago

    Ok when I was younger, around the age of 5, I was melested by my guy babysitter. Being a smart kid like I am, I went agianst his words and told my mom about it. We ended up talking to the parents and all of that etc..

    Well now I feel like I can't trust guys, I hardly have any guy friends and well only one relationship.

    Has anyone else have this problem? If so, what would you recomend that I do about it. I like guys, but I want to trust them.

    My mom and I have talked and shes willing to send me to a theripist, and "talk."
    What do you all think?

  • undying blusher
    19 years ago

    Therapist may help, what do you think about going to one? Worth a shot if you're comfortable...

    I don't have the same situation, but I know it can be hard to trust after something like that happens... You have to trust a guy eventually...just look for someone trustworthy...try making guy friends...ones you think you could trust...it'll be easier once you find a guy you feel you can trust, who can show you how to trust guys...

    Take care.

  • Madison
    19 years ago

    Thank you both for your imput, I'm going to try and get to know more guys, and then see how that goes, then worst comes to worst go to a specilist

  • Timothy B
    19 years ago

    Going to a therapist might help. Cause what you need to do, is to open your self to guys again. One guy has left a scar on you, and you are afraid of feelinf that again. Don't worry, that's natural. I would recomend the therapist and just talk out what's on your mind. That way, you might figure out te problem, and solve it.
    Good luck

  • christina marie
    19 years ago

    well i was almost in that position one time and it's really hard to open up again, so i feel for ya, but just because one guy was like that, doesn't mean all guys are that way, i've learned to move on from that, though it's in the past and our past makes our future, i still try to stay open to guys, and it's got me here, so i'm guessin it works, i hope you find a great guy


  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    i have kind of the same problem. yeah. actually I've run into asshole guys alot in my life. I agree with bob. I try not to dwell too much on it. Grief is a waste of time and so is fear. I don't give him any credence in my life, but I'm not exactly ready to stop blaming myself a little bit. I've been trying to talk to guys more. but the one guy I really want, I mean I believe is everything I've ever wanted, he gets me, he likes me, I guess, I just acted so chicken-shit around last spring, cos I was afraid of being hurt again. He seemed kind of distracted too. that doesn't really justify my aloofness. I wasn't trying to be cold. but everytime I tried to talk and open up, my mouth couldn't form the words. It's like mental, but physiological too. I'm being told I need to see a therapist or counselor or whoever. I think I'm going to go this week. I'm going to make a friend of mine drag me. I don't think I'm strong enough to go alone. but I will if I have too. because I really do love him! I want to make it work. Get something started.

  • Jennifer Fox or Jackson
    19 years ago

    my older sister heidi was also melested when she was like 7 by our cousin that had came over on the day of her birthday...no one in our family new about it because she hadn't understood what had happened but she knew it had happened and was to scared to tell anyone...over the years mom said she noticed heidi didn't like anyone hugging her or gettting close to her...expecially dad...when heidi was 13 she began sneaking out of the house alot because she just gotten her first boyfriend but he was like 18 at that time...illegal right but no one knew cuz they kept it a secert...but one night heidi ended up getting wasted at a party and passed out and when she woke up all her clothes were off...this time she was raped...once again she never told anyone...but mom began noticing lots of things like the way heidi all of a sudden became really depressed and quiet and she always wore clothes that was really baggy and trashy looking...mom didn't know how to ask heidi if someone had touch her or done something unwanted to her but she couldn't stand seeing heidi the way she was so mom confronted heidi and that is when heidi busted out in tears and told her whole story...when i heard about the story it made me cry to because no one ever knew or even noticed or thought it was that big of a deal...anyways...things for heidi are better now...she is 22 and has a fiance now and they plan on getting married...i'm glad that she turned out ok...but no...this kind of thing is not right...she said it was hard trusting guys...she still doesn't know how to open up completely to her fiance but he knows what happened and he understands...well anyways, l8r, jen

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    omg, born2die4pride, really? wow, handshaking? freaky! I get the same way. I can't remember the last time I touched a straight guy physically. I mean, even handshaking or whatever. but the thought of doing so is nervewracking. Yeah, we need help!

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    hun, go see a professional, cuz im in the same position, and i would love to talk to someone just i dotn know who to talk to, and if im ready to face up to it just yet