Forum Rules

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Why is staying on topic a rule? I wonder if any thread had ever stayed on discussion leads to another with people chatting inbetween. Do you get points for getting off topic? I understand no trashing and bashing and cussing but staying on topic is not in the rules...if it is indeed a rule it should be added.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Looks like somebody got lock happy while i was gone. O.O


  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Yes....Bob Locked ...

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I'm assuming he also deleted...?


  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Yes he did...

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I thought so. :P


  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Spit it out lassy, go on name your foe.

  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    19 years ago

    Ive just been penalised for last nights argument and the strongest word I used was TART
    then I come on here and a Moderator uses the words "b-same ole shit" Dual standards or what///

    Im a bit peeved that I can't say whats on my mind in an open forum
    You can all be assured that I won't be posting outside my own club from now on Its obviously a complete waste of time and Iritating that some have to join a thread that has nothing to do with them

  • John (Mr. Whuppy)
    19 years ago

    Maybe I will post after all
    If Mr Shanks utterance was jocular or not there are other examples that could have been given without swearing
    I rest my Case

  • Lu
    19 years ago

    I recently started to post on here and very seldom do I now for the reason that when someone has a post and ( some certain people think it is stupid )they cut them down for no reason . If you don't like the comment then leave it be . Why insult people looking for help ( even if it is a stupid post , or someone looking for self pity ) I posted once and I got *fart* as an answer . That really makes people want to partcipate in this forum . Why would people want to be so nasty to beyond me ... I could care less (if they are popular or not ) smart ass comments are rude and inconsiderate . As far as the ones that call others twit -twats (take a good long look in the mirror)