is anyone on??? coz im bored, and im bored..and yeah me just bor

    19 years ago

    I knew it was you! I knew it :D

    19 years ago

    By the title! I just knew it :D Hi, how are you today? im just back from school...My birthday party tomoro!!!

    19 years ago

    Its my birthday on the 22nd but my party tomoro! im gettin a bouncing castle :D Im gonna be 14 YEAH!!! lmao...sorry :P how are you?

    19 years ago

    I dunno! I have a habit of saying sorry O_O lmao!

    Im ggggggggggggggggreat! :D like the lion on frosties! :D What ya at??? Did I save you from dieing of Bbbbbbbbbbbbbordom? PENIS

    19 years ago gonna see what that means....Brb gonna google it! then I will have a answer! and it'll be a good come back if its the last thing i do man!

    I get told off to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!POOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    19 years ago


    19 years ago

    lmao!! SMART! I like that word it rocks!!!!

    Im gona call my teacher it and see if he understnads! Du bist schlaffrickr or something i dunno the right spelling...u no what that means?

    19 years ago

    You are a sheepfucker!!! I said it to my german teacher well I asked him what it meant and he said it means you like the company of sheep lmao!!

    19 years ago

    Ewwwwwwwwwww....ya's are strange :D
    I call my best friend Dickwad sometimes and he calls me Dumbass :D but we just msessing well i am O_O

    What was the sentence meant to be lmao!

    19 years ago

    "oh you are such a bullshit"#

    You said you mixed up your words :D

    19 years ago

    OH HAHAHAHAHAHA im always doing my homework to music in study and ill write down the lyrics by mistake then in class ill be like reading out my homework and its like " the volcano erupts and IM NOT OKAY!"

    19 years ago

    lol, Nah some of my teachers rock! ilike my science teacher she is -SO- cool! shes into good music and when she caught my listening to my ipod she took it off me and said if she could use it for the class shed give me a fiver! I GOT THE FIVER ^.^

    19 years ago

    Hahahaha Five euro :D money!!!

    19 years ago

    We get fed in school, brakfast,lunch dinner and tea :(

    Wow, My friend just regestered :D

  • Gone.
    19 years ago

    Elections? huh?

    His name paul...He just regestered. I can tell him to come here? Thats if hes still on he left msn!

    19 years ago

    LMAO! sorry i was on his account I was gonna post some of his stuff but im not gonna, hes gone to a party now..Shit I gotta go 2 bye xxx

    19 years ago

    Sorry, my mam in shower and cant bring me till she out so im stuck here even tho i should tidy my room O_O you still here miss silky?