
  • Lost & Delirious
    19 years ago

    Hello everyone, I'm new here, so I want to meet some of the community members. Here's some stuff about me: My name is Gaby...I like to watch TV, sleep, eat, read, write...I'm 16 and I'm from Mexico...If you want to know more just ask.
    Tell me anything about yourselves, and comment and vote on my poems, I'll do the same for you.

  • BeautifulDisaster
    19 years ago

    Wow shiky ;o mean.

    New people are still people gee. But yeaah. threads arent that fun. :)

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    Mexico? YEAAAAAAAAA!!!!! :D :D

    I'm from Georgia, though, i just got family from Mexico. :P


  • L0KA
    19 years ago

    Hey I'm from Mexico too. Wazz up? What part of Mexico are you from? Well anyway, send me an e-mail. Alratoz.

  • Lu
    19 years ago

    Welcome to the site Gabriela . I've read some of your poems and I hope to see more of them .. "Welcome"

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Hello and welcome, Gaby. I read of couple of your poems and I think you are a talented writer.

    In what part of Mexico do you live? I grew up in the northwest region of Sonora. I think it is fascinating that this site brings people together from so many different countries around the globe.

    Hope you enjoy it here.

  • Steven Beesley
    19 years ago

    Welcome Gaby, Shiky likes to kid and is very nice when you get to know her!

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    19 years ago

    Welcome Gaby :D I'm BJ. You can read my poems if you ever get bored. Just if you read my poems, please comment, so that I can see what you think ;) Thanksya muches

  • Atomic
    19 years ago

    Steven is lying!

    But seriously, she's a grouch, but she's one heck of an entertainer. =)

    I heart her.

    Anyway, welcome to the site of demented fools.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Ashelin
    19 years ago

    Nice to meet ya, welcome and enjoy the greatness of poems and quotes!

    People are right, this is the right place to post if your new, or just looking for people to talk to. SO when people say "I hate newbie threads" then they obviosly don't understand the concept of a welcoming forum...