to eat or not to eat?? that is the question!!

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    A dumb question.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Read the thread title....that's what I was referring to.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    If you don't eat regularly your body stores everything you DO eat and being that you're eating nothing but fatty foods your body is storing a lot of fat. Seriously you should try EXERCISING and eating HEALTHY FOOD.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Ok...exercise DOES work. Of course it doesn't work over night, you have to keep up with it. You have to be committed and have will power. And you can google healthy food diets.

  • Haven
    19 years ago

    try this depressed girl:
    breakfast: crispbread with something you like on

    same for lunch

    proper dinner

    drink water and eat fruit and excersise

    crisp bread is really healthy and make you feel less hungry and this is actually enough food

  • cuppycake
    19 years ago

    First of all, Breakfat speeds up you metabolism, so it is at your advantage to eat breakfast. If you want to lose weight, also start by cutting out junk food, that would be your cookie for lunch, substitute it with something healthy, such as a corrot. High protein diets work good, and exercise is something you need with any good diet. Drink water too instead of pop and other sugary drinks.

    well thats what i have to say...


  • BeautifulDisaster
    19 years ago

    You should be healthy. But I'm like fat and I eat no breakfast and no lunch at lunchtime i come home at like 3:30pm and I eat like lunch then :s no bread just the food. maybe sometimes a slice of bread. but yeaah..I'm not annorexic though :S

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    What you're eating... is stupid. Icecream, cereal bars... these are all unhealthy for you, so you won't be loosing weight, you'll end up gaining it.
    For breakfast, try a smoothie, this is not filling and won't make you feel 'sick'. Gradually get into the habit of eating breakfast, that way your body gets used to eating at that time.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Here is a link to a recent study identifying the one meal and the one food most likely to help teenage girls achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

  • ¤|Æ’lοяεηζîά|¤
    19 years ago

    GOOD LORD. YOURE not even eating from all the food groups!! Eating less would NOT help you lose weight, it'll help you GAIN weight. I read a lot of books on eating disorders.

    And no, that is not healthy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk with a professional about this. It'll do you good hun

  • Exquisite_Emily
    19 years ago

    Well, I think thats about how much I eat, maybe a little less:
    My food log.
    Morning: Milk.
    Brunch: Umm...nothing.
    Lunch: Cheese its.
    After School : toast.
    dinner: Umm...Apple and a bagel.
    I dont under eat, thats pleanty!

  • BeautifulDisaster
    19 years ago

    You guys..I think this girl is not reading the posts...a girl posted about her being hospitilized for an eating disorder thing :S did any of you read it..
    Isnt it her

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    19 years ago

    for the past couple of weeks ive been pretty much starving myself, but it just makes me crave really bad stuff more than i ever did, so im gunna carry this on

    no breakfast (im one of those pepes who just cant eat it)

    no recess

    no lunch apart from weekends (i dont like eating at school) and that would be fruit, perhaps some meat and yoghurt

    nothing until dinner, which i will have on monday, wednesday, sat and sunday (because the other days i am out working)

    also regular excersise, and never eating after 9pm, because thats when my body settles down and stops burning fat.

  • *tanya*
    19 years ago

    Ok Angeltears, to be brutally honest that diet is ridiculous. This will not help you lose weight. When you stop eating, or eat very little, your body goes into starvation mode, which means the very little you eat, your body will store to keep you alive. This will actually make you gain weight. It's like those poor little malnutritioned kids you see on tv with the big bellys.

    If you get into the habit of eating breakfast, then you won't find it so hard to eat it. With what you're eating now I'm surprised you haven't been hospitalised yet.

    Rather than eating less, try eating more but eating healthy. It will work better than eating nothing, plus you'll feel more energetic and better in general.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    19 years ago

    really? but how come those anorexic people you see on tv are so thin, if eating nothing makes you gain weight? i dont get how that happens.

  • JustAFoolInLove
    19 years ago

    when food starts to just... disgust you. for example, someone asks you if you want a sandwich and it sounds the same to you as 'do you want to see a dead body?'... it's pretty much when you want absolutely nothing to do with food. or... that's what i think

  • Torn
    19 years ago

    omg anorexia isn't just about not eating...if you have it, truth is, you're not going to htink to yourself "wow i have anorexia"'re going to keep it to yourself and not want to tell a soul because you're so ashamed no i don't think you have anorexia...
    and my post wasn't back to anyone i havent read everyone's post.
    take care all x x x

  • Lilly
    19 years ago

    well i dnt think u r anorexic.... cos 4 1 anorexics wudn't eat as much as u r neway.... and they wud b doing it for extreme reasons instead of being so casual like u r....your eating a load of junk... ie. chocolate and icecream... sorry to say it but u wont loose weight eating that.... and breakfast bars r no good... your gettin a really unbalanced diet which will make u PUT ON weight....and by the way your talking it sounds like u WANT to be anorexic....which is stupid!!! cos anorexia kills... im not trying to be mean but it sounds like your purposly watching what u eat to get attention (which your getting) anorexics r much more secretive and have many other symtoms... it's an illness for christs sake not about how much u eat!!!!! thats just one small part of it!!

  • Exquisite_Emily
    19 years ago

    Umm guys. Let the people starve themseves. If it makes them happy. Look, eat whatever you want to eat if it works for you. I dont eat that much but I WOULD NEVER starve myself. When Im hungry, I eat. Wahoo. If you dont feel like eating. Dont eat its your choice. Starving youself if stupid. Who gives a damn if your skinny besides yourself?

  • nicole
    19 years ago

    umm what your eating is stupid if you want to loose weight you should eat healthy things. By eating those ceral bars and ice cream its not gonna make you loose any weight .. your just gonna feel sick from the amount of sugar you eat. Stupid.

  • StormySkies
    19 years ago

    So, lets see... I had no breakfast either, and I had no lunch. I sometimes ate dinner, but I don't think I was anorexic. I got sick just looking at food, but I knew I was too skiny and that I needed to eat. I am still struggling with my wieght, but I eat more, and I know what you are going through. You have a very similar diet to my old diet. You need mroe healthy food in there. I still struggle with eating fruits and veggies, so I take a multi-vitamin everyday. You should be trying to eat more healthy, and take a vitamin. Find out form your doctor the appropriate weight for your height, and the fat content you have. Your doc can tell you what you need to do to fix your diet. As long as you are not denying yourself food because you think that you are too fat, then you are not anorexic.

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    okay firstly ... cookie? cereal bars? ice cream... that stuff isnt the healthiest and your not balancing your diet.

    u should always eat breakfast

    your lunch is fine

    your snack is fine

    your dinner is way off... eat some meat, vegatables and a pasta or something.

    for your snack, MIX IT UP:D... try different things

    the way your eating is unhealthy

  • amber
    19 years ago

    samwe thing happened with my friend she went to the doctors and had the flu