Don't you hate it when.....

  • Dark Kitten
    19 years ago

    Don't you hate it when people have poems that are just absolutely shit and they get the highest ratings on them? I mean, I am not being mean right now I am just saying. Some people just get all their friends to rate their poems very highly even though the poems aren't very good.

    And don't you hate it when people see your high scores and then they rate poorly just because they are jealous? That right there is very ignorant. It has happened to me alot.

  • Dark Kitten
    19 years ago

    LOL no it doesn't mean your poems are shit. -shrugs- I am just very aggrivated because there are alot of people like that out there.

  • ShhhhItsASecret©
    19 years ago

    It happens to everyone... I wouldn't worry about it... just do your best and ignore the rating.

  • Peter DeJesse
    19 years ago

    I enjoy writing poems. They are written expressions of how I feel. If people like them, that's a plus. It is always nice to be rated high, but it is not necessary for me.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    19 years ago

    yea its pretty annoyin..i mean i aint sayin im gr8 or just sayin that ive read poems that i think SUCKED..and like i had a worse rating then them n stuff..that aint fair!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • TinyDancer46
    19 years ago

    Yeah it gets pretty depressing sometimes, but just try not to let it get to you. Just do your best, and if your poems good and you know that people are jealous enough to be rating it low, then that obviously means that its good enough to be jealous of :) so don't let it get to ya

  • Daniel J
    19 years ago

    one man's trash is another man's treasure.

  • Robert Gardiner
    19 years ago

    Some people have"PHD's" 'Poet Hater Degrees'. Criticism is fine Hating is a just childish!!!

  • JL
    19 years ago

    its annoying, yes, but if you shouldn't be here just to get a high rating. Its about improving your writing and those people who vote themselves or have their friends vote for them aren't getting any better

  • bonnie
    19 years ago

    nobody really votes for mine to be honest so i dont know if they r good or not lol. It annoys me more when i write a poem that i really like and the only feedback they can leave on it is 'did you know you dont have to put a comma at the end of each line' or 'well done' that to me isnt feedback id rather they didnt write anything at all!!!!

  • felicia
    19 years ago

    i agree but i don't write poem for others i write it for my self even if my poems are shit i still enjoy writing but i not sayin i don't like people commenting

  • Vic
    19 years ago

    well, the ratings don't matter to me.. i just want to see what kind of person people perceive me as.. and lol this site is one of the places i keep my poems in case i lose them somewhere...

  • x-Beth-x
    19 years ago

    Yeah but there's nothing we can do about it but tell people to rate honestly and hope that they do...


    I ♥ Cereal

  • TinyDancer46
    19 years ago

    yeah, true... try not to let it get to ya

  • Nee
    19 years ago

    Nah ashley You're Totally wrong
    ppl have different opinions..Maybe a poem YOU didn't like, someone else will like it and rate it a 5/5 rate
    so don't you just judge the poem bcuz only you didn't like it

  • Dreams
    19 years ago

    I feel that maybe different people have different views on certain poems, like some prefer sad poems to love poems. Just different perceptions I think.

    I did encounter poems, which I think are good vated poor, and those which, I think aren't as good, rated excellent. But well, I think some like it, some really don't. :)

    The votes are now opened to public, am I right, this may affect a bit, I think.

    But still, I think continous writing will get you somewhere somehow, people will learn to appreciate your work. As long as you're happy with it!

  • Sad_Little_Kitty_Kat
    19 years ago

    I really hate that why can't poeple just except that there poems are not that good???

  • Ariana
    19 years ago

    ^^^^ Yup yup I agree! It actually detracts from the reviews you see, like if you get a positive review it means less if that person is going to give everyone a good review. Which is why I always try to think of something to be improved - but then I feel bad since no one else seems too. Smeh.

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    I agree

  • adelinaxx
    17 years ago

    Doesnt really bother me, sum people just click so its easier

  • BlueDreams
    17 years ago

    Agree with Robert Gardiner, Don't worry about vote just keep writing... that's the best way you can do.

  • Lady Nik
    17 years ago

    Yeah i know what you mean. i hate that to. Shanik

  • Lady Nik
    17 years ago

    Yeah i know what you mean. i hate that to. Shanik

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    It shouldn't matter about the rating...if you're serious in your poetry you come here to improve and grow, not for the votes...

  • xXxSurrenderToMyWrathxXx
    17 years ago

    I hate it when people write a new poem and they send you 50,000 messages to read it. Like you just have to send one and eventuelly I'll get to it!!

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    Lol. i hate aswell.

  • Brittany
    17 years ago

    I agree with the people who say it shouldn't how you're rated or how well you write.
    There are tons of people on this site who are just beginning poetry, have poetry as just a hobby, or are seasoned pros. With all the different levels it's hard to just judge.
    What some people have to realize is that everyone is trying their best or experiementing with their writing.
    If you're going to comment or rate be honest. Why not? You have to be honest to get honesty in return. Besides, I'd rather get a great comment saying "work on your flow" then a great comment with nothing to work on because someone didn't put the time in to help me better myself.
    If you happen to read a poem you don't like that seems to have a high rating that you don't agree with... COMMENT and say "Hey, I think you should work on --insert something here-- I think the poem may improve."
    I don't understand why that's hard.