19 years ago
HA! now i have your attention... ok, i apologise for the scatty title but anyone who thinks its pathetic or childish hopefully wont read this and I wont get the kind of shitty response that ive so often come to expect. so.. anyway, Im really just looking for new, interesting or otherwise people who would like to get to know me a little more, or just have plain crazy conversations to fill spare time. Will give out my msn etc etc if you want. Get back to me people, its for the sake of the fishies!!!! |
19 years ago
hahahahhaha HELLO!!!!!! im Georgi, nice to meet you *shakes hand* ahha woah i just shook the mid air woot woot. |
19 years ago
lololol *collapses on the floor n spins round wildly b4 realising 2 l8 that the gun in her 4hed has been randomly firing large silver bullets and has unintentionaly killed 72 werewolves* .... D'oh! |
19 years ago
NOpe nope nope nope nope!!! I be fairly old here actually ... just not h'interesting enuff for ne1 2 notice.. lmao!! in fact ive sat in a corner with my invisible giant mouse since ive been here n thrown food for all the mongooses.. hmm, that really is a silly plural.. then again, whats the plural for a mail shot??? mail shat?? mail shitted??? hmmm, that is the question. ooooh well, i like jigs 2... especially jigs with pigs in wigs! ha, look at me go, im such a poet! lmfao... oooook, enough of me.. hope u dont mind my rather odd comments on your poems, ok, buggering offwards. |
Just Sierra
19 years ago
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Just Sierra
19 years ago
I have this NASTY mosquito bite on my face.....gosh! |
Shædow Poet
19 years ago
Have you purposely spelt forsaken wrong? Just curious. |
19 years ago
yupyupyup, forsaken is spelt wrong coz the actual spelling was already taken when i signed up... sooo, now ive kinda adopted it as my personality... and thats it... or not, it mite be coz im a demented seal with a party hat and i dropped out out seal school n now i cnt spell *sobsob*.... erm.... yup! meh heh.. |
19 years ago
hewo strangerness!! who b you n wot brings you 2 my rather random neck of the woods?! |
Just Sierra
19 years ago
Well, you know what? you know what?!?! Guess what? |
19 years ago
Ow... *sniffles* now i feel really meeeaaan... come bk pleeease, i promise 2 play nice.. lmao, d'oh, im all confuzzled agen... but the pie on my left foot tells me its all gd so... how bout me n u go n befriend a rhino blu eyes?!!... mebe... ow.. meh heheh.. so hyper, coffe coffeee, coffee! eeeee! Woot woot, bye my fwendiness, i b leavin 4 the nite now... my stomach needs more coffee, heh, *waves n skips* byeeee xXx |
Just Sierra
19 years ago
see....that's why i won't go get coffee with you and a rhino.....because you skip away before I have time to respond.... |