Bob Shanks and Sluvious

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Yes, Bob is a great mod. I'm so glad he joined us.

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    I think Bob's great. He participates in the activity in the forums a lot, which is good cos he's he's constantly keeping the forums in check.

    It's awesome. :)

    Oh yeah, sluvious, too...he's a weird little goblin, but i suppose gremlins and goblins go hand in hand. :P


  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    It warms my special place to see old people being put to good use in society.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    lol that's funny!


  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Bob *sniffle* made me *sniffle* crrryy....

    He gave me my second violation warning *sniffffle*

    and now I'm devastated *sniffle*

    I'm deeply hurt, bob....

    I feel awfully betrayed...*tear and hiccup*

    ::sigh:: if I lose all my poems, which I haven't saved anywhere else, what ever shall I do??

    Dear Mr. Bobman/sluvious,

    You're both an honorable man and a scary one. It is terrible that I have to face the scariest of your multiple personalities.

  • Atomic
    19 years ago


    Run for your pathetic lives, the world is ending!

    *checks JPM's forehead* Are you sick, M'dear?

    However, I must agree, Bob is a great addition to this site....

    With a great man comes an alter ego the size of JPM's golden balls. =P

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Feline Fatigue
    19 years ago

    BOB, YOU ROCK! AND KICK YOU KNOW WHAT! heh, just a little message from a tiny kitten. O_O

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    Bob, you are indeed a great person and a great moderator.
    A propos, where is the original post by JPM?

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    JPM has left?

  • SexMeister69
    19 years ago

    Yup yup, no more of his arrogance. Funny poems he wrote though. BTW, I dont even know why Im here, I just found some time, and decided to roam around! Haha, Im back, but dont know for how long.